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External services security: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
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* open RSS feeds - no security at all
* open RSS feeds - no security at all
* chat_sid tokens - generated separately for each user in each chat
* chat_sid tokens - generated separately for each user in each chat
* calendar hash from user name, password and salt
* calendar export - hash from user name, password and salt
* hacky cookie emulation in visual gradebook plugin
* hacky cookie emulation in visual gradebook plugin

Revision as of 18:59, 21 May 2009

Moodle 2.0

Descriptions of security framework for web services, also used for RSS feeds, embedded application and similar parts that can not use normal HTTP cookies.


Current solutions

  • user keys for gradebook import and export - see require_user_key_login() and db table user_private_key
  • open RSS feeds - no security at all
  • chat_sid tokens - generated separately for each user in each chat
  • calendar export - hash from user name, password and salt
  • hacky cookie emulation in visual gradebook plugin

Types of token

We need several types of tokens

  1. token sharing/linked to active session, should time out or be destroyed at the same time as session (ex.: chat) - shared $SESSION and $USER
  2. permanent token, revokeable by user (ex.: RSS feeds, web services) - emulated $SESSION and $USER

In the second case we need to deal with performance problems if many repeated request expected. This can be dealt with later.

API layers

Three layers:

  1. external server interface (SOAP, REST, RSS, etc.) - deals with tokens, emulates user session, parameter processing
  2. public PHP API - functions usable directly from PHP, list generated from inline PHP docs, need to verify all parameters and access control, may access $USER, should not manipulate $SESSION directly, must not read $_POST or $_GET
  3. low level internal API - as fast as possible, basic param validation, no access control, must not touch $USER, $SESSION, $_GET or $_POST, must not use has_capability() or require_login()!


New external_functions table

List of external functions. Created automatically by parsing of external files.

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) auto-incrementing
component varchar(100) Component where function defined.
name varchar(150) Name of function
enabled int(4) function enabled, functiosn might be disabled for security reasons
phpfile varchar(255) location where function defined
functionparams? text null ?some form of param description?
requireslogin int(1) extra information - some external functions may not require $USER

New external_services table

Service is defined as a group of functions.

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) auto-incrementing
component varchar(100) Component where service defined.
name varchar(150) Name of service (gradeexport/xml, mod/chat/export)
enabled int(4) service enabled, for security reasons some services may be disabled
version varchar(10) version string
requiredcapability varchar(150) null Required capability (tested in security context or system context if no security context specified)

New external_services_functions table

Specifies functions used by services.

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) auto-incrementing
externalserviceid int(10) foreign key, reference
externalfunctionid int(10) foreign key, reference

New external_tokens table

Stores tokens for cookieless access, script runs without real session, $USER and $SESSION is emulated. Use is relatively expensive because each scripts has to initialize accessdata in acceslib.php again. Existing data from user_private_key table are migrated here.

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) auto-incrementing
userid int(10) foreign key, references
token varchar(128) private access key value
contextid int(10) security restriction, key usable only in this context, references
externalserviceid int(10) foreign key, references
itemid int(10) Service specific item id
iprestriction varchar(255) null IP address restriction, list of allowed addresses
validuntil int(10) null timestampt - valid until date
timecreated int(10) time when key created
lastaccess int(10) time when key last used for access

New external_sessions table

Alternative session handling for scripts that are not allowed to access http cookies such as flex apps or external applications. The $SESSION is a true session which shares locking with the real http session. The token is automatically destroyed when http session ends (timeout, logout, login, etc.)

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) auto-incrementing
userid int(10) foreign key, references
token varchar(128) private access key value
contextid int(10) security restriction, key usable only in this context, references
externalserviceid int(10) foreign key, references
itemid int(10) Service specific item id
sid varchar(128) PHP session id - links sessions table or files directly for legacy session types

New capabilities

New capabilities for external services above. Each function could define capabilities too.

New auth plugin

Some external applications may require creation of new user account types that are not able to login interactively but only using login/pass or certificate. New authentication plugin could solve this problem.

The current design problem that any external actions such as role assign are carried out as nobody or root, it is later not possible to find out who changed what. Another problem is restrictions of external services to some contexts only.

User preferences may be also used for storage of extra data such as public certificates.

See also