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HQ component teams

From MoodleDocs
(Redirected from HQ component leads)
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HQ component teams are responsible for triaging the issues in a number of components, planning the roadmap of issues to be worked on and should be consulted as part of the peer review process for all issues relating to their components.

The current list of component teams is:

Andrew, Mick, Simey, Shamim, Jun, Dongsheng, Huong

Accessibility, Administration, Automated functional tests (behat), Calendar, Email, Forum, Groups, HTML Editor (Atto), HTML Editor (TinyMCE), Installation, Logging, Privacy, Questions, Quiz, RSS, Security Alert, Unit tests, User Tours

Adrian, Mihail, Peter, Jake, Mathew

Assignment, Assignment (2.2), Backup, Backup: IMS-CC, Blocks, Blog, Book, Competencies, Database activity module, External, Tool (IMS-LTI), Filepicker, Glossary, IMS-CP resource type, Lesson, LTI provider, Other, Ratings, Reports, Repositories, Resource, SCORM

Carlos, Sara, Amaia, Victor, Ferran

Badges, Activity completion, Caching, Cohorts, Content bank, Course, Course completion, Dashboard (My home), Enrolments, Feedback, Global search, H5P, HTML and CSS, Libraries, Licensing, Maths filters, phpdoc, Plagiarism, Portfolio, Roles / Access, Survey, Survey 2, Tags, Tasks, Themes, Unknown, User management, Wiki (2.x), Workshop

Helen, David

Documentation, Hub, Language, Translation