
Jane Liu讨论 | 贡献2009年7月31日 (五) 21:09的版本

身份验证指通过何种方式允许用户登录到您的 Moodle网站。 [edit] 验证方式


   * 手工帐户 (Manual account)- 帐户由管理员手工创建
   * 无登录 (No login) - 中止特定的用户帐户
   * 电子邮件自助注册 (Email-based self-registration) - 用于允许用户自行创建帐户
   * CAS服务器(CAS server (SSO)) - 帐户的详细资料储存在外部CAS服务器上
   * 外部数据库 (External database) - 帐户的详细资料储存在外部数据库中
   * 一级服务器 (FirstClass server) - 帐户的详细资料储存在外部一级服务器上
   * IMAP server - account details are located on an external IMAP server
   * LDAP server - account details are located on an external LDAP server
   * Moodle网络验证(Moodle Network authentication) - 不同的Moodle网站如何能联结并验证用户
   * NNTP server - account details are located on an external NTTP server
   * 无验证 (No authentication) - 仅用于测试目的
   * PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - account details come from the operating system Moodle is running on, via PAM (can only be used Linux/Unix).
   * POP3 server - account details are located on an external POP3 server
   * RADIUS server - account details are located on an external RADIUS server
   * Shibboleth - account details are located on an external Shibboleth server
   * NTLM/Integrated Authentication (contributed plugin prior to Moodle 1.9; is part of the LDAP authentication plugin from 1.9 onwards). 

The authentication method is set in Administration > Users > Authentication > Manage authentication (or Administration > Users > Authentication prior to Moodle 1.9) [edit] See also

   * Manage authentication
   * Authentication FAQ
   * Multi authentication in Upgrading to Moodle 1.8
   * Using Moodle User authentication forum
   * Using Moodle Do users need e-mail addresses? forum discussion
   * Using Moodle Admin approving self registrations? forum discussion 

Retrieved from "https://docs.moodle.org/en/Authentication" Category: Authentication