
(未顯示同一使用者於中間所作的 4 次修訂)
第13行: 第13行:
Relevant quote: "Get the most comprehensive generalized computer setup with network connections to process the documentaries that your faculty and graduate-student teams will manufacture objectively from the subjective gleanings of your vast new world- and universe-ranging student probers." (p.85)
Relevant quote: "Get the most comprehensive generalized computer setup with network connections to process the documentaries that your faculty and graduate-student teams will manufacture objectively from the subjective gleanings of your vast new world- and universe-ranging student probers." (p.85)

 相关引述:"以最完整的广义的带有网络连接的计算机设备处理你老师和研究生学生团队的文献,从广阔新世界和宇宙主观收集的信息中制造出客观真实并整理学生探索者。 "
 相关引述:"以最完整的广义的带有网络连接的计算机设备处理你老师和研究生学生团队的文献,从广阔新世界和宇宙主观收集的信息中制造出客观真实并整理学生探索者。 " (p. 85)

==1969 - 建立互联网 ==
==1969 - 建立互联网 ==
第19行: 第19行:
 美国国防部授权组建 ARPANET.  [http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ Hobbes Timeline]
 美国国防部授权组建 ARPANET.  [http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ Hobbes Timeline]

==1971 - Ivan Illich's Learning Webs ==
==1971 - Ivan Illich 的学习网页 ==

Ivan Illich describes a computer-based education network in his book [http://www.preservenet.com/theory/Illich/Deschooling/chap6.html Deschooling Society]
Ivan Illich describes a computer-based education network in his book 

==1979 - USENET begins ==
Ivan Illich 在他的书中描述了一个以计算机为基础的教育网络。
[http://www.preservenet.com/theory/Illich/Deschooling/chap6.html Deschooling Society]

USENET established using UUCP between Duke and UNC by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin. All original groups were under net.* hierarchy.  [http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ Hobbes Timeline]
==1979 - USENET 开始启动 ==

==1982 - Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC) ==
USENET established using UUCP between Duke and UNC by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin. All original groups were under net.* hierarchy.

The Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC) was founded in 1982 in Rindge, New Hampshire, as a small, offline computer-based, adult learning center. The center was based on the same premise as today: to provide affordable, quality instruction to individual learners through the use of computers. [http://www.calcampus.com/calc.htm Origins of CALCampus]
Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis 与 Steve Bellovin 在杜克大学和北卡罗来纳大学之间通过UUCP协议建立 USENET。 所有最初的组都处在 net.* 目录下。 [http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ Hobbes Timeline]
==1982 - 计算机辅助学习中心 (CALC) ==
The Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC) was founded in 1982 in Rindge, New Hampshire, as a small, offline computer-based, adult learning center. The center was based on the same premise as today: to provide affordable, quality instruction to individual learners through the use of computers.
计算机辅助学习中心 (CALC) 建立于1982年新罕布什尔州林吉城,是一个很小的基于离线计算机的成人学习中心。该中心是基于和现今相同的前提下建立的:借助于计算机为个体学习者提供廉价的有质量的教学。 [http://www.calcampus.com/calc.htm Origins of CALCampus]

==1984 - CSILE ==
==1984 - CSILE ==
CSILE, an educational knowledge media system, developed by Scardamalia & Bereiter at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. ... CSILE based on Zimmerman's (1989) self-regulated learning (CSILE term is intentional learning) and constructivists' view of learning. It emphasizes on building a classroom culture supportive of active knowledge construction that can extend individual intentional learning to the group level. The purpose is to make students think and reflect their thought process which provoke question asking and answering in a public forum. The ultimate goal is to get students involved in knowledge itself rather than improve one's mind, a World 3 view , which shifts from individual mastery learning to improve the quality of public collective knowledge (Scardamalia, et al., 1994). - from [http://www.edb.utexas.edu/csclstudent/Dhsiao/theories.html#csile]
CSILE, an educational knowledge media system, developed by Scardamalia & Bereiter at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. ... CSILE based on Zimmerman's (1989) self-regulated learning (CSILE term is intentional learning) and constructivists' view of learning. It emphasizes on building a classroom culture supportive of active knowledge construction that can extend individual intentional learning to the group level. The purpose is to make students think and reflect their thought process which provoke question asking and answering in a public forum. The ultimate goal is to get students involved in knowledge itself rather than improve one's mind, a World 3 view , which shifts from individual mastery learning to improve the quality of public collective knowledge (Scardamalia, et al., 1994).

==1987 - M/EU (Mind Extension University) ==
CSILE,一套教育知识媒体系统,由在安大略教育学院的 Scardamalia 与 Bereiter 开发。…… CSILE 基于Zimmerman 先生(1989)自我调节学习(CSILE 称为主动学习)和建构主义学习观。它强调由动态知识建构支持的课堂文化建设可以扩展个体主动学习到小组水平。目的是使学生思考并反映他们对问题引发的思考过程,并在公共论坛做出回答。最终的目标是要学生参与到知识当中去,而不是提高自己的思维能力,一个世界三种视角,逐渐从个体技巧性学习提高到公众集体知识才能。  - from [http://www.edb.utexas.edu/csclstudent/Dhsiao/theories.html#csile]
In 1987, Jones launched  M/EU, a cable channel carrying varied educational programming... The advent of the Internet helped facilitate communication in these telecourses.[http://www.media-visions.com/ed-distlrn2.html]
==1987 - M/EU ( 扩展心智学校) ==
In 1987, Jones launched  M/EU, a cable channel carrying varied educational programming... The advent of the Internet helped facilitate communication in these telecourses.
1987年,Jones 发起 M/EU ,一套携带多种教育节目的有线频道节目……互联网的出现使得这些电视广播课程更易于沟通。 [http://www.media-visions.com/ed-distlrn2.html]

==1988 - Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee (AICC) ==
==1988 - Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee (AICC) ==
The AICC was formed out of a need for hardware standardization of CBT delivery platforms. Important milestones include: 1989 - Common platform guidelines for CBT delivery (AGR-002), 1992 - A DOS-based digital audio guideline (AGR-003) before the advent of window multimedia standards. The guideline enabled end-users to use one audio card for multiple vendors' CBT courseware. Due to the huge amount of CBT legacy courseware, this guideline is still in use., 1993 - A guideline for CMI (LMS) interoperability was created. This guideline (AGR-006) resulted in the CMI systems that are able to share data with LAN-based CBT courseware from multiple vendors. 1996 - A navigation icon guideline (AGR-009) to help standardize the student user controls in CBT. 1998 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include web-based CBT (or WBT). This new web-based guideline is called AGR-010. 1999 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include a JavaScript API interface. (This the basis of the SCORM runtime environment). 2005 - The Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS) guideline (AGR-011) allows Authoring/Content Management system to seemless integrate publishing with LMS systems. [http://www.aicc.org/pages/aicc_faq.htm]
The AICC was formed out of a need for hardware standardization of CBT delivery platforms. Important milestones include: 1989 - Common platform guidelines for CBT delivery (AGR-002), 1992 - A DOS-based digital audio guideline (AGR-003) before the advent of window multimedia standards. The guideline enabled end-users to use one audio card for multiple vendors' CBT courseware. Due to the huge amount of CBT legacy courseware, this guideline is still in use., 1993 - A guideline for CMI (LMS) interoperability was created. This guideline (AGR-006) resulted in the CMI systems that are able to share data with LAN-based CBT courseware from multiple vendors. 1996 - A navigation icon guideline (AGR-009) to help standardize the student user controls in CBT. 1998 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include web-based CBT (or WBT). This new web-based guideline is called AGR-010. 1999 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include a JavaScript API interface. (This the basis of the SCORM runtime environment). 2005 - The Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS) guideline (AGR-011) allows Authoring/Content Management system to seemless integrate publishing with LMS systems. [http://www.aicc.org/pages/aicc_faq.htm]

==1992 - CAPA (Computer Assisted Personalized Approach) ==
==1992 - CAPA ( 计算机辅助个性研究) ==
The system was developed at Michigan State University and was first used in a small (92 student) physics class in the Fall of 1992.[http://web.archive.org/web/20000915112215/capa2.nscl.msu.edu/homepage/]
The system was developed at Michigan State University and was first used in a small (92 student) physics class in the Fall of 1992.
该系统由密歇根州立大学开发,并于1992年秋季首次用于一个小物理学班(92名学生) 。 [http://web.archive.org/web/20000915112215/capa2.nscl.msu.edu/homepage/]

==1994 - Lotus Development Corporation acquires the Human Interest Group ==
==1994 - Lotus Development Corporation acquires the Human Interest Group ==

於 2007年3月2日 (五) 03:23 的最新修訂


Let's build up a complete history of key milestones in internet-based learning. Each event should be a heading that includes the date.

1960 - PLATO

PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) system developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The system remains in operation until the mid-1990s. Wikipedia background on PLATO.

PLATO (自動教學用程控邏輯操作)系統開發於伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校。該系統仍然運作,直至90年代中期. Wikipedia background on PLATO

1962 - R. Buckminster Fuller 出版《教育自動化》

Relevant quote: "Get the most comprehensive generalized computer setup with network connections to process the documentaries that your faculty and graduate-student teams will manufacture objectively from the subjective gleanings of your vast new world- and universe-ranging student probers." (p.85)

相關引述:"以最完整的廣義的帶有網絡連接的計算機設備處理你老師和研究生學生團隊的文獻,從廣闊新世界和宇宙主觀收集的信息中製造出客觀真實並整理學生探索者。 " (p. 85)

1969 - 建立網際網路

美國國防部授權組建 ARPANET. Hobbes Timeline

1971 - Ivan Illich 的學習網頁

Ivan Illich describes a computer-based education network in his book

Ivan Illich 在他的書中描述了一個以計算機為基礎的教育網絡。 Deschooling Society

1979 - USENET 開始啟動

USENET established using UUCP between Duke and UNC by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin. All original groups were under net.* hierarchy.

Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis 與 Steve Bellovin 在杜克大學和北卡羅來納大學之間通過UUCP協議建立 USENET。 所有最初的組都處在 net.* 目錄下。 Hobbes Timeline

1982 - 計算機輔助學習中心 (CALC)

The Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC) was founded in 1982 in Rindge, New Hampshire, as a small, offline computer-based, adult learning center. The center was based on the same premise as today: to provide affordable, quality instruction to individual learners through the use of computers.

計算機輔助學習中心 (CALC) 建立於1982年新罕布夏州林吉城,是一個很小的基於離線計算機的成人學習中心。該中心是基於和現今相同的前提下建立的:藉助於計算機為個體學習者提供廉價的有質量的教學。 Origins of CALCampus

1984 - CSILE

CSILE, an educational knowledge media system, developed by Scardamalia & Bereiter at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. ... CSILE based on Zimmerman's (1989) self-regulated learning (CSILE term is intentional learning) and constructivists' view of learning. It emphasizes on building a classroom culture supportive of active knowledge construction that can extend individual intentional learning to the group level. The purpose is to make students think and reflect their thought process which provoke question asking and answering in a public forum. The ultimate goal is to get students involved in knowledge itself rather than improve one's mind, a World 3 view , which shifts from individual mastery learning to improve the quality of public collective knowledge (Scardamalia, et al., 1994).

CSILE,一套教育知識媒體系統,由在安大略教育學院的 Scardamalia 與 Bereiter 開發。…… CSILE 基於Zimmerman 先生(1989)自我調節學習(CSILE 稱為主動學習)和建構主義學習觀。它強調由動態知識建構支持的課堂文化建設可以擴展個體主動學習到小組水平。目的是使學生思考並反映他們對問題引發的思考過程,並在公共論壇做出回答。最終的目標是要學生參與到知識當中去,而不是提高自己的思維能力,一個世界三種視角,逐漸從個體技巧性學習提高到公眾集體知識才能。 - from [1]

1987 - M/EU (擴展心智學校)

In 1987, Jones launched M/EU, a cable channel carrying varied educational programming... The advent of the Internet helped facilitate communication in these telecourses.

1987年,Jones 發起 M/EU ,一套攜帶多種教育節目的有線頻道節目……網際網路的出現使得這些電視廣播課程更易於溝通。 [2]

1988 - Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee (AICC)

The AICC was formed out of a need for hardware standardization of CBT delivery platforms. Important milestones include: 1989 - Common platform guidelines for CBT delivery (AGR-002), 1992 - A DOS-based digital audio guideline (AGR-003) before the advent of window multimedia standards. The guideline enabled end-users to use one audio card for multiple vendors' CBT courseware. Due to the huge amount of CBT legacy courseware, this guideline is still in use., 1993 - A guideline for CMI (LMS) interoperability was created. This guideline (AGR-006) resulted in the CMI systems that are able to share data with LAN-based CBT courseware from multiple vendors. 1996 - A navigation icon guideline (AGR-009) to help standardize the student user controls in CBT. 1998 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include web-based CBT (or WBT). This new web-based guideline is called AGR-010. 1999 - The CMI (LMS) specifications were updated to include a JavaScript API interface. (This the basis of the SCORM runtime environment). 2005 - The Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS) guideline (AGR-011) allows Authoring/Content Management system to seemless integrate publishing with LMS systems. [3]

1992 - CAPA (計算機輔助個性研究)

The system was developed at Michigan State University and was first used in a small (92 student) physics class in the Fall of 1992.

該系統由密西根州立大學開發,並於1992年秋季首次用於一個小物理學班(92名學生) 。 [4]

1994 - Lotus Development Corporation acquires the Human Interest Group

The system evolves into the Lotus Learning Management System and Lotus Virtual Classroom, now owned by IBM.

1994 - Open University Virtual Summer School


In August and September 1994, a Virtual Summer School (VSS) for Open University undergraduate course D309 Cognitive Psychology enabled students to attend an experimental version of summer school 'electronically', i.e. from their own homes using a computer and a modem. VSS students were able to participate in group discussions, run experiments, obtain one-to-one tuition, listen to lectures, ask questions, participate as subjects in experiments, conduct literature searches, browse original journal publications, work in project teams, undertake statistical analyses, prepare and submit nicely formatted individual or joint written work, prepare plenary session presentations, and even socialize and chit-chat, all without ever leaving their homes.

1994/95 - CALCampus.com

CALCampus was the first to develop and implement the concept of a totally online-based school through which administration, real-time classroom instruction, and materials were provided, originating with the QuantumLink campus. This was a significant departure from earlier methods of distance education because no longer was the individual distance learner isolated from the teacher and from classmates. Origins of CALCampus

1995 - Mallard web-based course management system developed at the University of Illinois

Mallard overview. See also CyberProf[6] (also copyrighted in 1995 from University of Illinois)

1995 - BSCW 1.0

Papers and timeline are here

1995 - Nicenet ICA launched to the public


1995/6 - WOLF / Learnwise

WOLF (Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework)[7] developed at Wolverhampton University's DELTA institute under the guidance of Stephen Molyneux. [8] This went on to be released commercially by Granada Learning as Learnwise [9]

1996 - TELSI Pro developed

TELSI (Telematic Environment for Language Simulations) was a VLE developed at the University of Oulu in Finland. Development was headed by Eric Rouselle and was continued into present day Discendum Optima.

1997 - CourseInfo releases ILN

Mid 1997 CourseInfo founded by Dan Cane and Stephen Gilfus. http://www.news.cornell.edu/chronicle/97/10.16.97/Web_company.html

The "Interactive Learning Network" ILN 1.5, was released and installed at several academic institutions including Cornell University, Yale Medical School and University of Pittsburgh. The ILN was the first e-learning system of it's kind to leverage and install on top of a relational database MySqL. http://www.cquest.utoronto.ca/env/aera/aera-lists/aera-c/97-11/0123.html

1997 - Manhattan Virtual Classroom in use

Manhattan was in use at this time at Western New England College, and included handouts, assignments, forums etc

1997 (about) - Pioneer developed by MEDC (University of Paisley)

Pioneer was an online learning environment developed initially for colleges in Scotland. Pioneer was web-based and featured:

online course materials (published by the lecturers themselves) integral email to allow communications between students and tutors forum tools chat tools timeatable

The main driver for Pioneer was Jackie Galbraith.

When MEDC was closed, the Pioneer development team moved to SCET in 1998 taking Pioneer with them when it became SCETPioneer.

SCETPioneer was used by Glasgow Colleges and a number of other colleges in Scotland.

SCET merged with the SCCC and became Learning and Teaching Scotland

1997 - Deployment of Nathan Bodington VLE

Development of Nathan Bodington VLE at Leeds University begins from the Bionet TLTP project

History of Bodington

Dates of Bodington development appear here

1997 - WebCT 1.0 was released

Powerpoint presentation

1997 - Blackboard was founded


1998 - Martin Dougiamas begins preliminary work on Moodle

This paper contains some early thoughts

1998 - Blackboard released its first software product

An online learning application, Blackboard's CourseInfo, developed at Cornell University by the CourseInfo team.[11]

1998 - Nicenet ICA2 is launched

Nicenet provides Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA2) with web-based conferencing, personal messaging, document sharing, scheduling and link/resource sharing to a variety of learning environments. http://www.nicenet.org/ica/ica_info.cfm

1998 - CNAMS 1.0 is released

The Cisco Networking Academy Management System (CNAMS) is released to faciliate communication and course management of the largest blended learning initiative of its time, the Cisco Networking Academy. It includes tools to maintain rosters, gradebooks, forums, as well as a scalable, robust assessment engine.


2000 - Claroline project was initiated

The Claroline project was initiated in 2000 at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) by Thomas De Praetere and was financially supported by the Louvain Foundation.


dates and credits

2000 - Manhattan 1.0 is released

In October of 2000, Manhattan Virtual Campus was released in its entirety on the Internet for free under the GNU General Public License. http://manhattan.sourceforge.net

2001, November - Moodle.com runs Moodle

See this announcement

2002 Multiple Events

  • August - Moodle 1.0 is released
  • Summer - Seque Project releases first version of its elearning software
  • September - Site@School released

2004, January - Sakai Project is formed from several college and university projects

2006, June - Moodle 1.6 is released

2006, July 26 - Blackboard announces Patent 6,988,138

This patent, filed on June 30, 2000 (with pending and related applications dating as early as June 1999) and issued on January 17, 2006, contains very extensive claims pertaining to every aspect of online course delivery. The breadth of this patent would seemingly give Blackboard the ability to enforce this intellectual property against other producers of online course delivery systems.

See Also




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-assisted_language_learning CALI History in this


Foundations of Distance Education

1997 Conference: Trends & Issues in Online Instruction

http://www.usdla.org/html/journal/SEP01_Issue/article01.html mentions: Unix courses @ Nova University early 70s and National Technological University (NTU) zh:在線學習史