Instalação Rápida do Moodle

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 09:32, 4 December 2007 by Marcelo Palin (talk | contribs)
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Este guia foi elaborado para administradores que já instalaram o Moodle antes e precisam recapitular os passos na memória. Ele também pode ser útil para aqueles administradores que querem ter uma noção rápida do processo de instalação antes de começar com a more detailed installation guide.


  • Instalação do PHP e suas extensões, um banco de dados, tal como o MySQL e um servidor Web tal como o Apache. Todo serão instalados na máquina que hospedará o Moodle.
  • Install PHP and required extensions, a supported database such as MySQL and a webserver on the target computer
  • Create a blank database (call it moodle if you like) and create a database user with the appropriate permissions
  • Create a data directory (call it moodledata if you wish) outside of the webserver.
  • Ensure the webserver is the owner of the data folder and give the owner read, write and execute permissions
  • Download Moodle


  • Extract the files and place them in the documents folder on the webserver (or any subfolder of your webserver)
  • Go to http://yourserver/install.php or http://yourserver/subfolders/install.php to start the installation
  • Download the config.php file from your webserver and place in the moodle root if prompted


  • If you agree with the GPL license you will be allowed to continue
  • Give your site a name and description
  • Configure an admin account

One last thing

Once you have finished setting up moodle you need to set up cron.

That's it! Well done :-)

See Also

no:Hurtiginstallasjonsveiledning ru:Установка Quickstart