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Skilaverkefni gera kennurum kleift að taka við verkefnum frá nemendum, meta þau og gefa endurgjöf og einkunn. Til eru fjórar tegundir af stöðluðum skilaverkefnum í Moodle.

Nemendur skila einni skrá

Nemendur skila einungis einni skrá af hvaða tegund sem er, s.s. ritvinnsluskjal eða mynd. Hægt er að senda inn fleiri en eina skrá með því að þjappa (zip) þeim með þar til gerðum hugbúnaði.

Textaskil á Netinu

This assignment type asks users to edit a text, using the normal editing tools. Teachers can grade them online, and even add inline comments or changes.

Ekki skila í gegnum Moodle

This is useful when the assignment is performed outside of Moodle. It could be something elsewhere on the web or face-to-face. Students can see a description of the assignment, but can't upload files or anything. Grading works normally, and students will get notifications of their grades.

Ítarleg skráarskil


Þessi tegund skráarskila heimilar nemendum að senda til kennara eina eða fleiri skrár á hvaða stafræna sniði sem er. Hér gæti verið um að ræða ritvinnsluskjal, myndir, vefsíðu eða hvað annað sem nemendum er gert að skila til kennara. This type also allows you to upload multiple response files. Response files can be also uploaded before submission which can be used to give each participant different file to work with. Participants may also enter notes describing the submitted files, progress status or any other text information. Submission of this type of assignment must be manually finalized by the participant. You can review the current status at any time, unfinished assignments are marked as Draft. You can revert any ungraded assignment back to draft status.


  • Group Assignment (by Patrick Jermann) - One user uploads the file but all the members of his or her group "benefit" from the submission
  • uploadmulti (by Brian Jones) - Allows uploading multiple files
  • Multiple Files Upload (by Gustav W Delius) - Allows uploading multiple files
  • Review assignment (by Humboldt State University) - A new assignment type that adds the ability to send back to the student a graded copy of their file (for Moodle 1.5)
  • Form (by Michael Robellard) - Allows students to enter information in a form (multiple textarea boxes) and then the teacher can grade each textarea with a number of points (or other grading scale) and give a comment for each form field
  • ULPGC Assignment (by Enrique Castro) - Allows teacher to upload multiple files with the assignment, automatically grade the whole group and upload multiple review files after grading/commenting. Students can upload many files (up to the number set by the instructor).

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