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Izvor: MoodleDocs
Inačica 1373 od 27. lipnja 2006. u 10:56 koju je unio Jasmin Klindzic (razgovor | doprinosi)
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Viewing assignment submissions, you will see a table with six headings:

  1. Ime i prezime (along with the photograph)
  2. Ocjena (for the submitted assignment)
  3. Komentar (the feedback information you have written in the feedback field while grading the assignment)
  4. Last modified (Student) (the date of the last modification of the assignment by the student)
  5. Last modified (Teacher) (the date of the last modification of the assignment by the student)
  6. Status (with which you can move to the page where you grade the submitted assignment or, in case it's been graded, update the grade and/or the comment)

Above, there is an alphabetical index, which helps you narrow down the number of students shown on one page only to those whose surname (or name) starts with the same letter. That is particularly helpful in case of a large number of course participants.