
Izvor: MoodleDocs
Inačica 1316 od 26. lipnja 2006. u 08:18 koju je unio Jasmin Klindzic (razgovor | doprinosi)
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Zgodno. Ali gdje i kako mogu kreirati nove stranice?

Unesite naslov stranice koju biste željeli kreirati u polje Traži (obično s desne strane ekrana) i kliknite na Kreni. Ukoliko istoimena stranica ne postoji, sustav će vam pružiti mogućnost kreiranja iste klikom na link pod nazivom 'this exact title'.

Nobody has tried to edit this sandbox since

  • This is a great sandbox for what is called MoodleDocs, the collaborative documation Wiki for Moodle.org website. There is a similar Wiki that is part of Moodle.
  • If you are looking for a Moodle Sanbox, I would recommend that you (collective group of individuals) go to download.moodle click here and put the latest stable version of Moodle on your desktop, laptop or what have you. I did this back in Jan 06, I loaded the complete package (not the standard) onto a Win XP Pro desktop (this has PHP, Apache and MySQL). Went so well, I did another one at home.

Another tip: At the home page of http://moodle.org/, look for Free Support, then the first item is WELCOME! Are you new? Confused? Please start here! Good advice.

Chris--11 April 2006 reedited on --Chris collman 2 05:57, 9 May 2006 (WST)