Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 1.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 2.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Modification des textes de l'interface, celle pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Modification des textes de l'interface et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Modification des textes de l'interface.

Modification des textes de l'interface

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Gérer la langue


Moodle 1.6 comprend un Utilitaire d'importation de langues.

Modifier les chaînes de caractères


Les textes de Moodle peuvent être modifiés en changeant les chaînes des langues, soit par Administration >> Configuration >> Langue, doit directement, en modifiant le fichier moodledata/lang/fr_utf8.

Fichiers de langue locaux

Sometimes, you may wish to change the default terms or language strings used in Moodle. For example, you may wish to replace all occurences of "course" with "class." To ensure that any changes are not overwritten by a new version when upgrading, you need to create your own local language pack as follows:

  • Copy the langconfig.php of your language folder (e.g. moodledata/lang/en) into a new folder (e.g. moodledata/lang/en_local). You will need access to the server to achieve this step - it cannot be done from within Moodle.
  • Add a string for parentlanguage to this file, which points to the language which is the most similar to yours.
  • Make your local language pack the default for the site via Administration >> Configuration >> Variables.
  • Edit only those strings you want to change with the built-in language editor, to be found in Administration >> Configuration >> Language.

The hierarchy of language packs can support up to three levels, the parent language, a sitewide local language pack, and a course level language pack. Moodle will first look for a string in the course level language pack, and if it does not find it, it will use the sitewide language pack, and then use the parent language string by default.

If you are having trouble figuring out where a particular string you wish to change is located, you will need to perform a search for it. An easy way to do this is to use a program like AM Code Search which allows you to search for strings inside php files, unlike the Windows search.

Gestion des langues (anciennes versions)

Moodle1.5 Les textes de Moodle peuvent être modifiés en changeant les chaînes des langues, soit par Administration >> Configuration >> Langue, doit directement, en modifiant le fichier /lang/fr.

Local language pack

To ensure that any changes are not overwritten by a new version when upgrading, you need to create your own local language pack as follows:

  • Copy the contents of your language folder (e.g. lang/en) into a new folder (e.g. lang/en_local) - you will need access to the server to achieve this step, it cannot be done from within Moodle.
  • Make your local language pack the default for the site via Administration >> Configuration >> Variables.

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