On-line erabiltzaileak bloklearen ezarpenak

Abel Camacho (eztabaida | ekarpenak) (New page: {{Itzuli gabekoak}} The Online Users Block is configured from ''Administration -> Configuration -> Blocks''. Click on '''Settings''' to see the configuration page. There is only one sett...)(r)en berrikusketa, ordua: 08:02, 10 Otsaila 2009
(ald) ←Berrikuspen zaharragoa | Oraingo berrikuspena ikusi (ald) | Berrikuspen berriagoa→ (ald)
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

The Online Users Block is configured from Administration -> Configuration -> Blocks. Click on Settings to see the configuration page.

There is only one setting to change: block_online_users_timetosee which is the number of minutes after which users will not be displayed in the list. The default is 5 minutes. You may want to adjust this if the list of users displayed is too long or too short.

Note: If separate groups are enabled in a course and this block is added onto the course page, only members of the group will be displayed in the list.