Ikastaro-eskaria: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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t (Course request izenburua Ikastaro eskaera-(e)k ordezkatu du.)
(Ez dago alderik)

Noizko berrikusketa: 06:57, 18 Urria 2007

Moodle 1.6

Kokapena: Gunearen kudeaketa > Ikastaroak > Ikastaro-eskaera

Enabling course requests results in a "Course request" button appearing for all users on the All courses page. Course requests may then be viewed by an administrator on the Courses pending approval page.

Note: If you enable course requests, you will need check the all courses page regularly for the "Courses pending approval" button. Email notification of course requests is not yet available.