
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Moodle 1.9

Moodle 1.9tik aurrera, erabiltzialeek eurei buruzko etiketak (edo hitz gakoak) sor ditzakete, eta etiketa horiekin lotutako interesguneko orriak sortu.

Zure interesak deskribatu

Tags allows you to describe your interests in a way that is easy for people with similar interests to find you. To tell everyone what your interests are, go to your profile editing page and enter your interests/tags separated by commas. If a tag you entered already exists, you get associated to that tag. If it does not, a new tag will be created (if you have the capability to create new tags).

Blog post tags

After writing a blog post, users are allowed to add user defined tags about the post. These are usually keywords relevant to the post separated by commas. If a tag you entered already exists, you get associated to that tag. If it does not, a new tag will be created. If one tag is associated with interests and a blog post, the tag page will show both.


Tag pages

Each tag in moodle has a page associated with it. The tag page brings together users, information and resources related to that tag. A tag has a description, links to related tags, a list of users associated with that tag and moodle blocks with resources related to it.

moodle tag page.png

  • If the user has the capability to edit tags, a link "Edit this tag" will appear in the tag page. By clicking on it, you will get redirect to the tag editing page.
  • If the tag name or its content is inappropriate, a user may click on the "Flag as inappropriate" link to report that. This will allow those responsible for maintaining the good use of the tags functionality to take appropriate action, such as deleting the tag. See Managing tags.
  • If the user has the capability to edit blocks, he will be able to change the configuration of the blocks that appear on the tag page.


Etiketa guztiak ikusteko modu eraginkorra etiketa-lainoa gehitzea da. Etiketa-laino etiketa ezberdin guztiak erakusten dituen blokea da. Etiketa-lainoa agertarazteko, sartu kudeatzaile gisa, sakatu "Edizioa aktibatu" orri nagusian eta aukeratu Etiketak zabaltzen den Blokeen menuan.

Etiketa bakoitzaren tamaina berarekin lotutako item kopuruak ezartzen du. Zenbat eta etiketa handiagoa izan, orduan eta item gehiago izango ditu berarekin lotuta. Tag Cloud

Etiketen ezarpenak

Berez, funtzio hau gaituta dago. Behar ez bada, etiketen funtzioa desgaitu egin dezake kudeatzaileak Kudeaketa > Segurtasuna Gunearen politikak-en dagoen etiketak erabili laukitxoa erabilita.

Ikusi halaber

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)