Pedro Lonbide (eztabaida | ekarpenak) (Orrialde berria {{Itzuli gabekoak}} Location: ''Administration > Server > HTTP'' ==Frame name== If you've developed a web wrapper for Moodle and you want to include Moodle in a large...-(e)kin sortua)(r)en berrikusketa, ordua: 09:51, 17 Martxoa 2009
(ald) ←Berrikuspen zaharragoa | Oraingo berrikuspena ikusi (ald) | Berrikuspen berriagoa→ (ald)
Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Location: Administration > Server > HTTP

Frame name

If you've developed a web wrapper for Moodle and you want to include Moodle in a larger frame, put the name for the Moodle frame here.

Use slash arguments

You will need to change this setting only if you are having trouble viewing files or images. Most of the time, Moodle will display files and pictures with no problem using the slash arguments. If you get errors when you try to view pictures or files from within Moodle, your PHP server doesn't allow the slash argument method and you will need to use the file argument method instead.

Proxyhost and proxyport

Your Moodle server may need to access the Internet through a proxy server, depending on your network configuration. If you're not sure about whether you need a proxy server, contact your network administrator or ISP.