Moodle erregistroa: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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3. lerroa: 3. lerroa:
Site registration options include some that make contact information public and a request to be added to a Moodle email list.
Site registration options include some that make contact information public and a request to be added to a Moodle email list.

[[Image:Moodle site reg request.JPG]]

Moodle sites not connected to the internet, will not be able to register.  These sites includes those on a Localhost or an internal LAN or WAN.
Moodle sites not connected to the internet, will not be able to register.  These sites includes those on a Localhost or an internal LAN or WAN.

Noizko berrikusketa: 15:44, 16 Urria 2007 encourages sites that can be reached from the internet to register themselves. A site that has not been registered will find a link for registration in the Site administration block under Notification.

Site registration options include some that make contact information public and a request to be added to a Moodle email list.

Moodle gunea erregistratu.JPG

Moodle sites not connected to the internet, will not be able to register. These sites includes those on a Localhost or an internal LAN or WAN.

Registration form

An example of the form is below.

Fitxategi:Moodle site reg form.JPG
demo Moodle registration form

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Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)