HTML: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

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{{Argitzeko orriak}}

Noizko berrikusketa: 10:37, 12 Abendua 2008

Hona hemen HTML laburburaren esanahia: H'yper Text Markup Language

Mesedez, aukera ezazu ondoko orrietako bat:

  • HTML in Moodle
  • HTML blokea - this allows you to add arbitrary HTML to a block at the sides of your Moodle screen
  • HTML editorea - this allows you to easily create a variety of HTML constructs, for adding color, images, text formatting etc. via a familiar Word-like WYSIWYG interface
  • HTML, along with PHP, CSS and SQL is one of the basic web technologies used to build Moodle. It can also be used to create Moodle content, though you do not need to know anything about HTML to use Moodle.

Hau argitzeko orria da: izenburu bera duten hainbat artikulu biltzen dituen orria. Hona lotura baten bidez iritsi bazara, mesedez itzuli eta zuzendu lotura artikulu egokira eraman dezan.