Liburua ikusi: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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t (Ikusi liburua izenburua Liburua ikusi-(e)k ordezkatu du.)
(Ez dago alderik)

Noizko berrikusketa: 08:56, 7 Otsaila 2008

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

You now see a chapter and a sub chapter. Because we did not elect to number chapters, the fact that the second chapter is a sub chapter cannot be seen in the table of contents. Note that you do, however, see this in the title above the content.

By the way, the items in the table of contents are neither numbered nor are they indented only because that is the option we chose when setting up the book. We can always go back and change that.

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