Kohorteen matrikulazioa

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Kohorteak gune zein kategoria mailako taldeak dira. Kohorteek aukera ematen dute euren partaide guztiak ekintza baten bidez ikastaro batean matrikulatzeko, eskuz edo era automatiko eta sinkronizatuan.

Kohorte bat ikastaro batean matrikulatu

Kohorteen bidez ikastaro batean erabiltzaileak matrikulatu ahal izateko "Kohorteen-sinkronizazioa" plugina erantsi behar da ikastaroko matrikulazio metodoetan. Horretarako matrikulazioa egin behar duen ikastaroan gaudela,

  • Jarraibidea "Ikastaroaren kudeaketa>Erabiltzaileak>Matrikulazio-metodoak"
  • Bertan taularen azpiko "Gehitu metodoa" atalean aukeratuko dugu "Sinkronizatu kohortea".

Kohorteen sinkronizazioa matrikulazio metodoa.png

  • Matrikulatu nahi dugun kohortea hautatu eta erabiltzaileen rola aukeratu (normalean ikaslea).

Kohortea ezarri.png

Matrikulatu ondoren "Matrikulazio-metodoak" ataleko taulatik kohortearen matrikulazioa ezabatu, ezkutatu eta editatu dezakegu. Kohortearen matrikulazioa editatu.png

Kohorte bat gehitu talde batera

The cohort members can be added to a pre-made group at this stage also if desired. If any members are added or removed from the cohort, they are automatically added or removed from the group. Note that such members cannot be unenrolled manually from the groups screen and that additionally, there is information about their cohort below their name on the group screen.

Adding a cohort to a group

Visiting the Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolled Users page will show users enrolled via the Cohort-Sync plugin.

Note that, by default, a teacher cannot add this plugin to their course. It needs to be configured by an Administrator or a user with the Manager role. Also note, that the user should be a Manager on a site level, not on the category or course level, otherwise the user will not see the option. If you want the user with the Manager role on the category level to see this enrol option, then you must add some cohorts on the category level, not on the site level.

The required capabilities for setting up a cohort sync are:

  • moodle/course:enrolconfig in the course context
  • moodle/cohort:config in the course context
  • moodle/cohort:view in the same context as category

The required capabilities for manually enrolling cohort members are:

  • the same as cohort sync (note: this is a bug MDL-28431)
  • enrol/manual:enrol in course context
  • moodle/course:enrolreview in course context

Enrolling a cohort in a category

This is not supported by Moodle at the moment.

See MDL-36951 regarding enrolling system cohorts at category level

See Category enrolments where it is recommended that cohort sync be used in preference to category enrolments.

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