Pruebe Moodle

De MoodleDocs
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Hay muchas formas y maneras de probar Moodle, para ver como funciona. Aquí están algunas ideas que van desde las que requieren muy poco conocimiento técnico, hasta las más ambiciosas y costosas, que podrían resultar fáciles para algunas personas/instituciones.

Sitios demostrativos

Usted es bienvenido para explorar Moodle al ingresar a alguno de nuestros sitios de demostración. Son lugares para jugar, experimentar y aprender haciendo:

  • Mount Orange School - introduces educators to Moodle, an great demonstration site where you can be principal, teacher and student!
  • Moodle Demonstration Site - a plain out-of-the box demonstration site with just one empty course.
  • Perhaps the least obvious way to try Moodle is to explore It is a large, free Moodle site itself.

Paquetes todo-en-uno

  • Paquetes completos de instalación para Windows o MacOS, proporcionados gratuitamente por como descargas. Incluyen Apache, PHP, MySQL y otros programas que crearán un servidor web. No se recomiendan para servidores de producción (de uso intenso) y probablemente lo mejor sea usarlos dentro de una pequeña red interna y con un reducido número de usuarios; o en computadoras independientes, para jugar con Moodle. No son tan sencillos como Mt. Orange, pero Usted tendrá todo el control.

Más opciones...

  • Obtaining a free copy of Apache Friends bundled software to create a web server for a Linux, Windows, Solaris or Mac operating system, then add a standard Moodle package to that. This could be used on a production web server, on a computer serving a small network or on a standalone computer. uses a lite version for their Windows and Mac OS complete install packages. Slightly more difficult than a complete install package to get going but will also educate you in web server operations, in addition to playing with Moodle.
  • Ask a Moodle Partner what they suggest. This is actually very easy, but there can be a cost associated with it.
  • Go to your existing web host or a web hosting service. You will usually find they offer a versions of Moodle "free" with the push of a few buttons to install it. Or install a copy of the latest and greatest Moodle on their server which your have already paid for. The commercial low cost servers may install Moodle but they will not offer any support about Moodle (but you do have and Moodle Docs). These usually need research to really understand what is required for a full production Moodle site. But not that difficult to install for just trying Moodle out.
  • The most difficult and time consuming way just to "try Moodle" is to search out a web hosting service from scratch, purchase web hosting services and install a version of Moodle on your new hosted web server. The exception to degree of difficulty would be a Moodle Partner who might offer web hosting, a turnkey Moodle installation to meet your needs and support. The goal here would probably go beyond a mere "I would just like to try Moodle".