Notas de Moodle 2.6.1

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Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 2.6.1

Moodle 2.6

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Fecha de liberación: 10 de Enero del 2014

Aquí está la lista completa de asuntos corregidos en 2.6.

Vea Nuevas características de Moodle 2.6 para un recorrido amistoso con imágenes de pantallas


  • MDL-41819 - Able to edit a larger number of grades in the grader report
  • MDL-42796 - Improved ActionMenu ARIA support

Functional changes

  • MDL-40079 - Timeouts are now configurable in repository plugins
  • MDL-42504 - Quiz auto-save detects that the connection to the server has been lost and warns students

API changes

  • MDL-40741 - Behat tests adapted to Clean theme
  • MDL-42942 - Environmental information shown at the beginning of every Behat run
  • MDL-42625 - Behat hardcoded waits removed

Security issues

A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.

Fixes and improvements

  • MDL-43326 - Can start a new attempt in Assignment (based on previous one)
  • MDL-34182 - Invalid JSON no longer output on filepicker when repository plugins output invalid content
  • MDL-43367 - get_child_contexts() returns correct contexts when context path missing
  • MDL-42913 - Group cache works as expected
  • MDL-42884 - Can now delete users with invalid emails
  • MDL-40003 - Assignment submission comments are restored
  • MDL-42085 - Default enrolment duration is now applied when manually enrolling a user

See also