Mathslate para Atto

De MoodleDocs

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Mathslate for Atto.png Nota del traductor: La expresión inglesa mathslate se traduciría literalmente como pizarra de matemáticas


Mathslate es un editor de matemáticas que este plugin añade a la Barra de Herramientas de Atto. Es similar en funcionalidad al DragMath que estaba incluído dentro del núcleo de Moodle para TinyMCE. Sin embargo, Mathslate no tiene dependencia de Java, por lo que debería de ser utilizable en una mayor variedad de navegadores, incluyendo los de dispositivos móviles (tabletas y teléfonos celulares).



El plugin de Mathslate para Atto está disponible en la base de datos de plugins de Moodle. Adicionalmente, debe de estar instalado el plugin de Mathslate para TinyMCE y debe de estar disponible MathJax 2.0 o más reciente. Mathslate para Atto es compatible con el filtro de MathJaxloader incluido dentro del núcleo de Moodle. Si este filtro está habilitado, proporcionará acceso a MathJax para Mathslate.

El boón de Mathslate no aparecerá en la barra de herramientas en las páginas en donde MathJax esté deshabilitado aun y cuando el Filtro TeX estuviera activo.


El plugin de Mathslate para TinyMCE first needs to be installed to the lib/editor/tinymce/plugins directory of the Moodle root. The Mathslate for Atto plugin is installed in the lib/editor/atto/plugins directory. The administrator must log in and complete the installation process. The Mathslate for Atto plugin is enabled by the administrator by visiting the Atto toolbar settings page and adding 'mathslate' in the list of plugins to be displayed on the toolbar. MathJax also needs to be enabled on the system. This can be done with either the MathJax filter provided with Moodle 2.7+ or with MathJax included in the HTML header. The Mathslate button will only appear in the editor toolbar if MathJax is available on the page by one of these methods.


Selecccionar matemáticas

Mathslate does not allow the selection of individual characters as with a word processor, but instead treats matemáticas as blocks of code associated with well defined mathematical expressions. A selected expression appears highlighted in the workspace, and the block of code appears with a cursor in front of it, below the work space.

Mover matemáticas

To move an expression, simply select an element after the place it should be inserted on the workspace and then click the expression to move it there. Alternatively, you may simply drag the expression to where it should be inserted.

Editar funciones

There is a row of buttons in the center of the editor that allows the user to delete a selection or the whole content, to undo the previous action, and to redo previously undone actions.

Modificar el comportamiento

The appearance of the pop up window can be modified by editing the style sheet style.css in the plugin directory. The set of templates that appear in the tabs may be changed in the file config.json. The default file contains a reasonably comprehensive initial list of mathematical symbols and functions. Items may be deleted easily from the file with a text editor, or you can use the online configuration tool. Eventually, there may be a selection of files to choose from for different learning environments and subjects.