Importar PowerPoint

De MoodleDocs
Revisión del 19:50 7 may 2006 de Antonio Vicent (discusión | contribs.) (Copiado de Docs en)

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Importar PowerPoint

This is a 1.6 feature that is in development. Current version only work with MS Office PowerPoint 2002.

This feature will take a complete MS PowerPoint presentation and insert each slide's content into the content area of a branch table as text. The title of the slide come from the title of the powerpoint slide. The default settings on the branch page are blank, which will follow the flow control parameter in lesson settings.

The instructions

  1. Create the Web Folder
    1. Open the MS PowerPoint presentation
    2. In "File" click on "Save as Web Page"
    3. Change or note "Save In" setting
    4. Set Save file type to "Web Page"
  2. Zip the folder
    1. Find the folder you just created
    2. Zip the folder with your favorite program
  1. In Moodle, import the PowerPoint
    1. Create the Lesson, set the settings, save settings
    2. Select "Import PowerPoint"
    3. Select "Continue"
    4. Start editing the branch pages

See Also

Files - Using jpeg images from Open Office Impress and MS PowerPoint presentation slides