Educación terciaria

De MoodleDocs
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El uso de Moodle en la Educación secundaria a menudo es extendido aun más en el nivel terciario/universitario.

Plugins de Moodle por/para Universidades

Muchas Universidades han creado plugins personalizados que después fueron compartidos en the Moodle plugins database, por ejemplo:

  • The Open University ha contribido muchos plugins muy bien escritos y muy populares, además del excelente motor de preguntas de examen de Moodle 2 en adelante
  • La AMC Academic Moodle Cooperation ha compartido varios plugins muy buenos
  • There are more than ten plugins made by the University of Ulm. A sandbox plugin programatically restores courses to predefined course states. It can be used to provide playground moodle courses which will be cleaned periodically.
  • The Active quiz The original plugin (real-time quiz) was written by Davo Smith, to which the University of Wisconsin - Madison (funded by an educational innovation grant given to the Medical school) re-wrote the plugin, which is now named active quiz
  • The User tours local plugin allows administrators to create tours of Moodle to introduce new features, important information, and more. It was was paid for and sponsored by the kind folk of Dublin City University.
  • The Course dedication block was developed by CICEI at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University.
  • The Accesibility block integrates the ATbar from Southampton University ECS.
  • The PoodLL anywhere development was funded by the Birmingham City University
  • Quickmail was developed at Louisiana State University
  • The Course overview on campus block was made by the University of Ulm
  • One of the authors of the Course description works for the Reutlingen University
  • The Mahara assignment submission was made from code developed by the University of Portland, and Lancaster University
  • The EJSApp is backed by the Spanish Open University (UNED) and other Spanish Universities, such as the Huelva, Complutense and Almeria Universities
  • The Media Gallery plugin was written by Adam Olley for the University of New South Wales
  • The Engagement analytics report was developed as part of a NetSpot Innovation Fund project by Monash University
  • The Custom Course Menu, developed by the University of Portland, is a block to display enrolled courses in a highly configurable manner for both students and teachers.
  • The Groups and Groupings Block by the University of Münster is a Moodle block to display groups and groupings to users. The plugin differentiates between the capability rights of users to evaluate the appropriate amount of information to be displayed.
  • The Collabora - Collaborative document editing by the University of Münster provides a document editor for real-time collaboration. Changes to a document are immediately reflected for other users who are accessing the same document. Moodle users can collaborate on simple text files, word, spreadsheet and presentation documents or upload a document. The plugin requires a self-hosted Collabora Online Server (CODE) that is accessed using the so-called WOPI protocol.
  • The Catalogue block by the Université de Cergy-Pontoise provides a visual and central place for a teacher to access everything he can use in his course (activities, reports, blocks, …) Frequently used items can be marked as favorites for quick access.
  • The University of Nottingham has made several good plugins:
  • The allocation form by the University of Nottingham can be used to provide more than one choice ("choose three workshops from the following selection") and/or to have students allocated to their choices fairly based on the overall choices/preferences made by all students using the Allocation Form you've set up.
  • The Monitoring of Learning Plans is a report by the Université de Montreal. The main goal of this plugin is to facilitate the work of Planes de aprendizaje managers. It provides an overview of user learning plan, without leaving the page to get information related to this learning plan (such as rating in courses,user evidence,)
  • The Moderator Guide block, created by the Coventry University, displays guides for external teachers/graders. These guides are created by teachers and are based on templates created by administrators. The template creation system allows the generation of Moodle forms containing textarea, file uploader and links.
  • The CAPQuiz - additional activity for Computer Adaptive Practice, was developed by Ålesund University College and NTNU Toppundervisning at NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology. It was funded in part by Norgesuniversitetet.
  • ETH Zürich desarrolló varios tipos de preguntas y plugins que soportan especialmente la evaluación en línea en una forma mejorada.
  • The Ludic course format - is a Moodle course format plugin, resulting from research work in gamificaion, that presents course structure and contents graphically. Images are dynamic, evolving over time to emphasise student achievement. LUDIC was developped by EDUNAO as part of the LudiMoodle research project. The LudMoodle project, involving researchers from the Université de Lyon and the LIRIS, investigated the impact of different gamification techniques on user engagement for users with different motivation profiles.

Plugins para disciplinas específicas

Existen muchos plugins de Moodle disponibles para enseñar/evaluar varias disciplinas a nivel de educación secundaria y superior:


Hay varios temas de Moodle hechos específicamente por y para una Universidad .Algunos ejemplos son:

  • BCU and Adaptable Birmingham City University. They are based on bootstrap and allow for extensive customisation and some unique features to help improve Moodle's usability.
  • Klass This is very very modern theme suitable for your school / college / university and other online educational websites
  • Snap's user-friendly and responsive design removes barriers to online learning, enabling you to create the modern, engaging experience users expect on the web today. Its intuitive layout is optimised for online learning, focusing on the things that matter - your learning activities and content.

Simulaciones PhET

Las Simulaciones PhET son simulaciones interactivas para ciencias (física, biología, química, geografía) y matemáticas a nivel primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y universidad, de la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder, USA, que proporcionan simulaciones divertidas, grtatuitas, interactivas, de ciencia basada en investigación y matemáticas. Las simulaciones están escritas en Java, Flash o HTML5, y pueden ejecutarse en-línea o descargarse a su servidor Moodle o computadora personal. Todas las simulaciones son de código abierto.

Enlaces útiles para los educadores de nivel superior


  • Existen muchos buenos tutoriales de Moodle y libros hechos por Universidades, disponibles para todo el mundo:

... se enlistarán aquí posteriormente...

... continuará...