28/Tipo de pregunta arrastrar y soltar marcadores

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Revisión del 00:08 18 jul 2013 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (added page)
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Las preguntas del tipo arrastrar y soltar marcador permiten que se pongan múltiples marcadores sobre una imagen y se evalúa el colocar dichos marcadores en el sitio correcto.


Drag and drop marker questions differ from Drag and drop onto image question type in that there are no predefined areas on the underlying image that are visible to the student.

This is a question type created and maintained by the Open University.

Más documentación

More http://labspace.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=470268&section=5.5.1 documentation is available on the Open University's OpenLearn site.

See also