19/Ver una base de datos (módulo)

De MoodleDocs

Nos presenta las siguientes lengüetas:

  • Ver lista
  • Ver registro único
  • Agregar entrada
  • Plantillas
  • Campos

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Viewing a database (an instance of the [[Base de datos (módulo) ]]) can be done in one of two different ways.

View list

The list view shows multiple entries, possibly in a more abbreviated form to ensure all the information fits. You can use the controls at the bottom of the screen to search and sort the contents.

View single

You can alternatively view only one entry at a time. This might allow you to view more detailed information than the list view.

Add comment

If comments have been enabled by the creator of the database you can add a comment.

Rate entries

If ratings have been enabled by the creator of the database you can grade other database entries.