19/Plantillas de la base de datos

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Templates for the Base de datos (módulo) allow you to control the visual layout of information when listing, viewing or editing database entries. It is a similar to the technique used to mail merge letters in word proccessors such as Microsoft Word.

Tag usage

The content of each field you create for your database and a few special tags (listed below) can be inserted into the output template by the use of tags. To use the tags found on the left side, use the HTML viewer, place your cursor in the text area of your target edit and then click on the tag you want to place. Or simply type the appropriate name within the required symbols like ##this## or [[this]].

  • ##Edit## - > creates a link that allows you to edit the current entry
  • ##More## - > creates a link to the single view, which may contain more info
  • ##Delete## - > creates a link that lets you delete the current entry (if you have the right to)
  • ##Approve## - > create a link allowing admin/teachers to approve the current database entry

List template

This template allows you to control the fields used and their layout when viewing multiple entries at once (e.g. search results). It is possible that this view may simply provide an overview with more detailed information available by clicking on an entry to access the single view of the entry.

Single template

This is used to display a single entry at a time and so has more space for display and can use, for example, larger versions of images or optionally provide more information than shown in the list view.

Add template

This template creates the interface form used when adding or editing database entries

RSS template

Lets you control the content of the RSS feed for database entries.

CSS template

If any of the HTML in your other templates requires CSS to provide style you can specify it here.

Reset templates button

When you first create a database the templates will be pre-filled with appropriate HTML. If you later add fields then you can press the reset templates button and it will add HTML for the new fields in a similar fashion. If you have edited any of the templates in the meantime then your changes will be lost. It is recommended that you finalize the database fields before changing the template code.

El término Plantilla tiene diferentes significados según el contexto en el que use.

Bases de datos

El término Plantilla tiene un significado especial en las bases de datos.

Wiki o MoodleDoc

El término Plantilla se usa también usa para editar Moodle Docs. Son un conjunto de etiquetas Wiki que serán copiadas that are meant to be copied automáticamente en un página. Podemos añadir una plantilla colocando su nombre entre {{dobles corchetes}}.

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