Módulo de práctica de pregunta

De MoodleDocs
Módulo de práctica de pregunta
Tipo Activity
Conjunto N/A
Descargas https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=mod_qpractice
Problemas Github
Discusión Quiz Forum
Mantenedor(es) Marcus Green

Concepto del Módulo de Preguntas de Práctica

La idea básica es de que el profesor configure un banco de preguntas organizado en categorías. Entonces el estudiante puede elegir con cuales preguntas quiere precticar. Esto se trata de aprendizaje cetrado-en-el-estudiante, basado en las capcidades del Banco de preguntas de Moodle. Para más información acerca de las categorías de preguntas, vea Categorías de pregunta:

Pasos a seguir para configurar el módulo

Debajo están algunos pasos con imágenes de pantalla que el profesor puede seguir para crear una instancia funcional de Preguntas de Práctica.

Del lado del profesor


El primer paso para cualquier profesor es crear una instancia del módulo.

Crear una instancia nueva

qpractice new instance.png

Paso 2

Nota: Urgente de Traducir. ¡ Anímese a traducir esta muy importante página !.     ( y otras páginas muy importantes que urge traducir)

After the instance for Question Practice module has been created, teacher is redirected to setting form for that instance. The setting form contains some general options like name, introduction and behaviour. The behaviour selected by teacher in settings are the only ones that will be visible to student ie: the student will have to select only from those behaviour.

Configuraciones para Preguntas de Práctica

This is an overview of settings available in Question Practice module.

qpractce settings.JPG

Paso 3

After editing settings for an instance, the next step for teacher is to add questions to question bank. There are certain rules to be followed while adding questions to question bank.

  1. Questions should be added only in context space of that instance.
  2. All the parent level categories created by teacher are visible to students: Example: If a teacher has 3 parent level categories ie: Topic 1 , Topic 2, Topic 3. These top level categories will be visible to student. Whenever a student starts practice he will be provided with option to select category from list of available categories. After that students are asked questions randomly from that category without being repetated.
  3. Teacher can create any number of sub-categories inside parent level category. Only parent level category are visible to student.

Añadiéndole Preguntas al módulo

This is an overview of question bank for Question Practice instance. Teacher can create categories and add or update questions here. Parent level categories created by teacher will be available to students for practice. Questions present in each category will be made available to students.

qpractice question bank.JPG


After setting up module , if a teacher wants to view history of all sessions for all students they can simply click on view past sessions as shown in screenshot and the list will appear.

Ver todos los reportes por el Profesor

This is an overview of report.php at teacher's side. Teacher will be able to view all the data of all students.

qpractice view allreports.JPG

Del lado del estudiante

Opciones visibles a los estudiantes

This is an overview of view.php. Students on start-up will be provided with 2 options. Either they can start a new session or can view history of all past sessions that they have done uptill now.

qpractice options.JPG

Creando una nueva sesión

This page gives students option for selecting how a session should be. Student can select the category they want to practice and also select the behaviour that they want for a particular session.

qpractice session.JPG

Intentar página como visible a estudiantes

This page shows how a question is visible to student. He can attempt as many questions as he wishes to or stop the practice when he gets bored.

qpractice question.JPG

Revisando la Pregunta actual

This page briefs on how answers are checked once students clicks on check button, therby giving accurate information about marks for same.

qpractice check question.jpeg

Resumen de la Sesión Actual

This page shows summary of current session in progress.

qpractice summary.JPG

Vewr reporte individual de Todas las Sesiones Anteriores

This page shows the history of all practices of the student logged in.

qpractice view myreport.JPG

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