Actividad Contenido Interactivo - H5P

De MoodleDocs

Principales características

  • H5P gives you access to lots of different interactive content types (see example activities below).
  • H5P allows you to easily share and reuse content.
    • To reuse content, you just download the H5P you would like to edit and make your changes – e.g. translate to a new language or adjust it to a new situation.

Vista general

Supercargue su sitio web con H5P

  • H5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications.
  • H5P empowers creatives to create rich and interactive web experiences more efficiently - all you need is a web browser and a web site with an H5P plugin.

Contenido amistoso par los dispositivos móviles

  • Publish once, view and interact on all screens.
  • H5P content is responsive and mobile friendly.
  • Users experience the same rich, interactive content on computers, smartphones and tablets alike.

Comparta contenido enriquecido

  • H5P enables existing CMSs and LMSs (such as Moodle) to create richer content.
  • With H5P, authors may create and edit interactive videos, presentations, games, advertisements and more.
  • Content may be imported and exported.
    • All that is needed to view or edit H5P content is a web browser.
  • Rich content, applications and content components may be shared on

Uso libre

  • H5P is a completely free and open technology, licensed with the MIT license.
  • Demos/downloads, tutorials and documentation is available for users who want to join the community.

Enlaces hacia ejemplos y descargas

H5P download an activity.png

Versiones de Moodle compatibles

Moodle 2.7 a 3.1

Asuntos potenciales de privacidad

The plugin is set up to automatically download content types and provide anonymous usage data which can be disabled through settings.



Opciones de visualización

You can enable/disable:

  • Display action bar and frame
  • Download button
  • Copyright button

Subir contra Crear una actividad

H5P upload an activity.png

  • Si Usted elige 'Subir' una actividad, Usted podrá elegir un archivo (.h5p) o arrastralo y soltarlo adentro del área designada.

H5P upload a previously downloaded h5p activity.png

  • Usted puede crear fácilmente una actividad interactiva con el editor incorporado dentro del plugin.

H5P create an activity.png

  • Si Usted elige 'Crear' una actividad, la lista desplegable (en idioma inglés) del Editor le permitirpá elegir uno de los siguientes:

Actividades disponibles para creación

H5P example accordion.png

Nota: Las imágenes que Usted pegue dentro del área de texto no se mostrarán en la actividad final, solamente se mostrará el texto.

H5P example appear in.png

  • Audio

H5P example audio.png

H5P example chart.png

H5P example collage.png

H5P example course presentation.png

H5P example dialog cards.png

H5P example documentation tool.png

H5P example drag and drop.png

H5P example drag the words.png

H5P example fill in the blanks.png

H5P example find the hotspot.png

H5P example flashcards.png

  • Greeting Card (Tarjeta de felicitación)

H5P example greeting card.png

H5P example guess the answer.png

H5P example iframe embedder.png

H5P example image hotspots.png

H5P example interactive video.png

H5P example mark the words.png

H5P memory game 001.png

H5P example multiple choice.png

H5P example question set..png

H5P example single choice set..png

H5P example summary..png

H5P example timeline..png

H5P example twitter user feed..png

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