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Cualquier texto que agrego con un apóstrofo (') o con comillas (") ocasiona errores o termina con una barra oblicua (/)

Los problemas con apóstrofos son ocasionados por utilizar ajustes incorrectos en "comillas mágicas". Moodle necesita los siguientes ajustes (normalmente vienen por defecto):

magic_quotes_gpc = On
magic_quotes_runtime = Off

Lea por favor Instalación de Moodle si quiere más información.

Email copies are not being sent from my forums

You must set up cron properly if you want Moodle to send out automatic email from forums, assignments etc. This same process also performs a number of clean-up tasks such as deleting old unconfirmed users, unenrolling old students and so on.

Basically, you need to set up a process to regularly call the script http://yoursite/admin/cron.php. Please see Instalación de Moodle - Configurar el cron.

Tip: Try the default setting in Moodle variables page. Leave the smtphost blank. This will be acceptable for the majority of users.

Error: database connection failed

If you get errors like "database connection failed" or "could not connect to the database you specified", here are some possible reasons and some possible solutions.

  1. Your database server isn't installed or running. To check this for MySQL try typing the following command line telnet database_host_name 3306. You should get a cryptic response which includes the version number of the MySQL server.
  2. You don't have the PHP mysql or postgresql extensions installed (please refer to FAQ re. whether PHP is installed).
  3. You haven't created a database for Moodle and assigned a user with the correct privileges to access it. Or the database name, database user or database user password in your Moodle configuration file config.php are incorrect. Use phpMyAdmin to set up and check your MySQL installation.
  4. You are using MySQL version 4.1 or higher, whose default password hashing algorithm is incompatible with that available in PHP versions 4.x.x. See for further information on how to deal with this.
  5. You are using Fedora core 3 or some other Linux system with SELinux installed and enabled. See the following URL for information on how to disable SELinux:

I can't log in - I just stay stuck on the login screen

The most common cause for this is that your own computer (not your Moodle server) has a firewall that is stripping referrer information from the browser. Here are some instructions for fixing Norton firewall products.

The server admin can also fix this for everyone by changing the secureforms variable to 'No' in the security section of Administration >> Configuration >> Variables.

Another possible cause of this problem is that sessions are not configured properly on the server. You can test this by calling the script http://yourserver/moodle/lib/session-test.php.

I keep getting error messages about session_start

If you see errors like this:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp\sess_d40f380d37d431fc1516e9a895ad9ce0, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp\sess_d40f380d37d431fc1516e9a895ad9ce0, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php:1) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123

these are all related to the fact that PHP is failing to save "session" files on your hard disk (in a directory called /tmp). Usually the reason is that you don't HAVE a directory called /tmp on your computer. This is usually the case with Windows installations.

The solution is to fix the PHP setting for this path to point to a real directory. You can do this in your php.ini file:

session.save_path = C:\temp

or otherwise in a .htaccess file in your main moodle directory:

php_value session.save_path "/home/moodle/sessions"

Me sale este error:: Failed opening required '/web/moodle/lib/setup.php'

En su config.php el ajuste que utiliza para la variable dirroot debe ser la ruta completa desde la raíz del disco duro de su servidor.

A veces la gente usa la ruta desde su directorio local, o una ruta relativa a la raíz del directorio del servidor web.

I login but the login link doesn't change. I am logged in and can navigate freely.

Make sure the URL in your $CFG->wwwroot setting is exactly the same as the one you are actually using to access the site.

Mis páginas muestran errores fatales como: call to undefined function: get_string()

Si aparecen errores como:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in c:\program files\easyphp\www\moodle\config.php on line 94 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_string() in c:\program files\easyphp\www\moodle\mod\resource\lib.php on line 11

es probable que en alguna línea de config.php (antes de la línea 94) falte un punto y coma o las comillas de cierre.

Otra razón podría ser que haya editado config.php en algún programa como Word y lo haya guardado luego en formato HTML en lugar de hacerlo adecuadamente (en texto plano).

¿Está instalado PHP? ¿Qué versión tengo?

Escriba un nuevo archivo en su página web denominado info.php que contenga el texto siguiente, y llámelo desde su navegador:

<?PHP phpinfo() ?>

Si no ocurre nada, no tiene instalado PHP. Consulte los documentos de instalación. Allí podrá informarse sobre la forma de descargarlo a su ordenador.

Uploaded files give "File not found"

For example: Not Found: The requested URL /moodle/file.php/2/myfile.jpg was not found on this server.

Your web server needs to be configured to allow the part of the URL after a script name to be passed directly to the script. This is usually enabled in Apache 1, but is usually disabled by default in Apache 2. To turn it on, add this line to your httpd.conf, or to a .htaccess file in your local directory (see Instalación de Moodle for more details):

AcceptPathInfo on

Note, this will ONLY work for Apache versions 2.x.

If you are not using Apache 2 and you still have this problem (unlikely) then you can switch Moodle to use an alternative method. The disadvantages are a slight loss of performance for your users and you won't be able to use relative links within HTML resources.

To use this alternative method, you should change the slasharguments variable in the Operating System section of Administration >> Configuration >> Variables. You should now be able to access your uploaded files.

¡Cuando voy a la página de administración, se me dice que deje el dirroot en blanco!

Si ve errores como éste:

Please fix your settings in config.php: You have: $CFG->dirroot = "/home/users/fred/public_html/moodle"; but it should be: $CFG->dirroot = "";

se ha topado con un pequeño error que ocurre en algunos servidores. Este problema tiene que ver con el mecanismo de comprobación de errores, no con su ruta. Para solucionarlo, encuentre la línea 66 en el archivo admin/index.php:

if ($dirroot != $CFG->dirroot) {

y cámbiela por:

if (!empty($dirroot) and $dirroot != $CFG->dirroot) {

Cuando intento agregar un recurso, recibo mensajes de error

Asumiendo que usted usa Apache, es muy probable que el ajuste deconfig.php en $CFG->wwwroot sea diferente de la URL real que utiliza para acceder al sitio. Intente asmimismo desactivar la variable secureforms en la sección de seguridad de Administración >> Configuración >> Variables.

¿Por qué todas mis páginas están en blanco?

Compruebe la variable dirroot en config.php. Debe usar nombres de ruta completos y absolutos, e.g.

$CFG->dirroot = "d:\inetpub\sites\\web\moodle";

Otra razón podría ser que PHP no haya sido configurado para admitir MySQL, lo que es común en instalaciones Redhat y OpenBSD. En este caso, se genera un error pero, dado que las visualizaciones de error a menudo están deshabilitadas por defecto, inserte esto en la segunda línea de su archivo config.php:


y a continuación vuelva a cargar la página web. Examine minuciosamente la salida para ver si se admite MySQL. Si no fuera así, busque el paquete que le falta.

Why do I keep getting error messages about "headers already sent"?

If you see errors like this:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /webs/moodle/config.php:87) in /webs/moodle/lib/moodlelib.php on line 1322 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /webs/moodle/config.php:87) in /webs/moodle/lib/moodlelib.php on line 1323 Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /webs/moodle/config.php:87) in /webs/moodle/login/index.php on line 54

you have blank lines or spaces after the final ?> in your config.php file. Sometimes text editors add these - for example Notepad on Windows - so you may have to try a different text editor to remove these spaces or blank lines completely.

¿Por qué mi sitio Moodle no muestra correctamente la fecha y la hora?

Para poder visualizar correctamente las fechas, cada idioma requiere un código específico (denominado código locale). Los paquetes de idioma contienen códigos estándar, pero en ocasiones no funcionan bien en servidores Windows.

Puede encontrar los códigos locale correctos para Windows en estas dos páginas: Language codes y Country/region (e.g. "esp_esp" para español)

Estos nuevos códigos locale pueden incluirse en la página Administración >> Configuración >> Variables, con lo que anularán a los presentes en el paquete de idioma actual.