Tema Evolve-D

De MoodleDocs

Este es un tema complemento para Moodleescrito porChris Kenniburg and shared on Moodle.org


Documentation is currently at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1InnFyMfajEKF-MSfvSHFLYHFTLaiYxZ0nulVzJZ9OGk/edit

Como cambiar las cadenas de texto que están puestas )hard-wired forzadasa idioma español en un servidor Moodle

hard-wired English language strings in evolveD theme.png

As reported on https://github.com/kennibc/moodle-theme_evolved/issues/10, there are a few English language strings hard-coded into this plugin, but they can be changed quite easily if you have access to your moodle server files:

  • Locate the 'moodle' folder in your server
  • Locate the 'theme' folder inside the 'moodle' folder
  • Locate the 'evolved' folder inside the 'theme' folder
  • Locate the 'style' folder inside the 'evolved' folder
  • Locate the 'evolved.css' file inside the 'style' folder
  • You will need to edit the 'evolved.css' file using a program like Notepad++] that will allow you to change the code.
  • You will need to find the word 'Post' inside this file:

Notepad plus finding Post English language string.png

  • You will need to replace the word 'Post' with the appropiate word for your language pack ( eg, 'Publicación' in Spanish):

Notepad plus replacing Post English language string.png

  • Do the same for the other hard-wired strings: "Message", "Comments", "Attachments"
  • Save the modified file into the same file name and location.
  • Purge all caches
  • Check the results :)

Evolved theme now is 100percent translated into Spanish.png

  • Mission acomplished :)