Colaboración en tiempo real

De MoodleDocs
Revisión del 18:43 22 oct 2013 de German Valero (discusión | contribs.) (fixed misspelling in category name)

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RTollaboration is a type of assignment.

It's a collaborative real-time editor that works like Google Docs.

Two or more users can work at the same time in the same document. When you type a word, the text is updated in real-time for the other users.

Groups are supported.

Teachers can review theirs students job, for every student the total account of chars added or deleted by him in the text is displayed in the submissions view of the assignment.

Teachers can also "replay" the users interactions with the editor


For installing, unzip the plugin in the mod/assignment/type directory, rename the directory from jleyva-moodle-assignment_rtcollaboration-be... to rtcollaboration

Go to Administration -> Notifications


The texts are automatically submitted for grading during the 24 hours previous the due time of the assignment.

The cron job must be enabled in the server.

Teachers can view theirs students works at any time.


Juan Leyva Moodle profile

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RTCollaboration uses a protocol created by Neil Fraiser at Google Inc


See also