Diferencia entre revisiones de «XMLDB reserved words»

De MoodleDocs
m (tidy up)
m (tidy up)
Línea 18: Línea 18:
* Good site with all the '''real reserved words''' for some DB (with version info): http://search.cpan.org/src/CHANSEN/ (under the SQL-ReservedWords-xx dirs).
* Good site with all the '''real reserved words''' for some DB (with version info): http://search.cpan.org/src/CHANSEN/ (under the SQL-ReservedWords-xx dirs).
* Escaping reserved words: http://www.ispirer.com/doc/sqlways38/Output/SQLWays-1-034.html
* Escaping reserved words: http://www.ispirer.com/doc/sqlways38/Output/SQLWays-1-034.html
* [[XMLDB Problems#Reserved Words in Moodle DB|Current reserved words used by Moodle]].
* [https://docs.moodle.org/dev/XMLDB_Problems#Reserved_Words_in_Moodle_DB XMLDB Problems#Reserved Words in Moodle DB|Current reserved words used by Moodle].


Revisión actual - 23:16 18 may 2013

Documentación XMLDB > palabras reservadas de XMLDB

Para cada RDBMS existen algunas palabras que están prohibidas de usar como identificadores y que se llaman palabras reservadas ("reserved words"). Aquí encontrará una lista larga que es generada automáticamente por la lista de palabras reservadas presentes en las clases XMLDB (XMLDB classes) (incluye las palabras reservadas para MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle y MSSQL).

Es necesario evitar por completo el usar estas palabras reservadas en su estruictura de la BasedeDatos (tablas, columnas...) Al final de ésta página, Usted encontrará algunos enlaces útiles acerca de palabras reservadas.

La lista

access, accessible, add, all, alter, analyse, analyze, and, any, array, as, asc, asensitive, asymmetric, audit, authorization, autoincrement, avg, backup, before, begin, between, bigint, binary, blob, both, break, browse, bulk, by, call, cascade, case, cast, change, char, character, check, checkpoint, close, cluster, clustered, coalesce, collate, column, comment, commit, committed, compress, compute, condition, confirm, connect, connection, constraint, contains, containstable, continue, controlrow, convert, count, create, cross, current, current_date, current_role, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor, database, databases, date, day_hour, day_microsecond, day_minute, day_second, dbcc, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, delayed, delete, deny, desc, describe, deterministic, disk, distinct, distinctrow, distributed, div, do, double, drop, dual, dummy, dump, each, else, elseif, enclosed, end, errlvl, errorexit, escape, escaped, except, exclusive, exec, execute, exists, exit, explain, external, false, fetch, file, fillfactor, float, float4, float8, floppy, for, force, foreign, freetext, freetexttable, freeze, from, full, fulltext, function, goto, grant, group, having, high_priority, holdlock, hour_microsecond, hour_minute, hour_second, identified, identity, identity_insert, identitycol, if, ignore, ilike, immediate, in, increment, index, infile, initial, initially, inner, inout, insensitive, insert, int, int1, int2, int3, int4, int8, integer, intersect, interval, into, is, isnull, isolation, iterate, join, key, keys, kill, leading, leave, left, level, like, limit, linear, lineno, lines, load, localtime, localtimestamp, lock, long, longblob, longtext, loop, low_priority, master_heartbeat_period, master_ssl_verify_server_cert, match, max, maxextents, mediumblob, mediumint, mediumtext, middleint, min, minus, minute_microsecond, minute_second, mirrorexit, mlslabel, mod, mode, modifies, modify, national, natural, new, no_write_to_binlog, noaudit, nocheck, nocompress, nonclustered, not, notnull, nowait, null, nullif, number, numeric, of, off, offline, offset, offsets, old, on, once, online, only, open, opendatasource, openquery, openrowset, openxml, optimize, option, optionally, or, order, out, outer, outfile, over, overlaps, overwrite, pctfree, percent, perm, permanent, pipe, pivot, placing, plan, precision, prepare, primary, print, prior, privileges, proc, procedure, processexit, public, purge, raid0, raiserror, range, raw, read, read_only, read_write, reads, readtext, real, reconfigure, references, regexp, release, rename, repeat, repeatable, replace, replication, require, resource, restore, restrict, return, returning, revoke, right, rlike, rollback, row, rowcount, rowguidcol, rowid, rownum, rows, rule, save, schema, schemas, second_microsecond, select, sensitive, separator, serializable, session, session_user, set, setuser, share, show, shutdown, similar, size, smallint, some, soname, spatial, specific, sql, sql_big_result, sql_calc_found_rows, sql_small_result, sqlexception, sqlstate, sqlwarning, ssl, start, starting, statistics, straight_join, successful, sum, symmetric, synonym, sysdate, system_user, table, tape, temp, temporary, terminated, textsize, then, tinyblob, tinyint, tinytext, to, top, trailing, tran, transaction, trigger, true, truncate, tsequal, uid, uncommitted, undo, union, unique, unlock, unsigned, update, updatetext, upgrade, usage, use, user, using, utc_date, utc_time, utc_timestamp, validate, values, varbinary, varchar, varchar2, varcharacter, varying, verbose, view, waitfor, when, whenever, where, while, with, work, write, writetext, x509, xor, year_month, zerofill

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