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Activities are considered complete, based on either the course logs being updated (e.g. resource viewed, forum posted to, etc.), a certain grade being achieved (Moodle 1.9 & assignment / quiz / forum only) or the Completion criteria being met (Moodle 2.0+ only).
Activities are considered complete, based on either the course logs being updated (e.g. resource viewed, forum posted to, etc.), a certain grade being achieved (Moodle 1.9 & assignment / quiz / forum only) or the Completion criteria being met (Moodle 2.0+ only).

[[en:Checklist module]]
[[en:Checklist module]]

Revisión del 19:59 20 mar 2013

Checklist Module

El Módulo Lista de cotejo es un complemento que le permite a un maestro crear una lista de cotejo para que sus estudiantes trabjen con ella. Es contribuído por David Smith.

Moodle 2.x

El estudiante deberá palomear cada ítem de la lista al tiempo que lo completa, y el progreso resusultante del grupo puede ser monitoreado por el maestro. Al estudiante se le recompensa con una barra de progreso que muestra qué tanto ha logrado avanzar en la lista de cotejo..

Otras características incluyen:

  • Indentación de ítems, para mostrar una jerarquía de importancia
  • Ítems opcionales (que pueden estar ocultos en el reporte de progreso del grupo y contribuir a una barra de progreso secundaria de 'todos los items')
  • Ítems del estudiante en la lista de cotejo (para que los estudiantes puedan añadir sus propios ítems para monitorear)
  • Fechas en ítems en la lista de cotejo
  • Colores a elegir

Hay un video corto en inglés disponible en YouTube.


1. Unzip the contents of file you downloaded to a temporary folder. 2. Upload the files to the your moodle server, placing the 'mod/checklist' files in the '[moodlefolder]/mod/checklist' folder, (optionally) the 'blocks/checklist' files in the '[moodlefolder]/blocks/checklist' folder and (optionally) the 'grade/export/checklist' files into the '[moodlefolder]/grade/export/checklist' folder. 3. Log in as administrator and click on 'Notifications' in the admin area to update the Moodle database, ready to use this plugin.

Añadiendo un bloque de lista de cotejo

1. Click 'Turn editing on', in a course view. 2. Under 'blocks', choose 'Checklist' 3. Click on the 'Edit' icon in the new block to set the checklist to display and (optionally) which group of users to display.

Exportar el progreso de la lista de cotejo (Excel)

1. In a course, click 'Grades' 2. From the dropdown menu, choose 'Export => Checklist Export' 3. Choose the checklist you want to export and click 'Export Excel' If you want to change the user information that is included in the export ('First name', 'Surname', etc.), then edit the file 'grade/export/checklist/columns.php' - instructions can be found inside the file itself.


Click on 'Add an activity' and choose 'Checklist'. Enter all the usual information. You can optionally allow students to add their own, private items to the list (this will not affect the overall progress, but may help students to keep note of anything extra they need to do).

You can then add items to the list. Click on the 'tick' to toggle an item between required, optional and heading Click on the 'edit' icon to change the text. Click on the 'indent' icons to change the level of indent. Click on the 'move' icons to move the item up/down one place. Click on the 'delete' icon to delete the item. Click on the '+' icon to insert a new item immediately below the current item.

Click on 'Preview', to get some idea of how this will look to students. Click on 'Results', to see a chart of how the students are currently progressing through the checklist.

Students can now log in, click on the checklist, tick any items they have completed and then click 'Save' to update the database. If you have allowed them to do so, they can click on 'Start Adding Items', then click on the green '+' icons to insert their own, private items to the list.

If you allow a checklist to be updated by teachers (either exclusively, or in addition to students), it can be updated by doing the following: 1. Click 'Results' 2. Click on the little 'Magnifying glass' icon, beside the student's name 3. Choose Yes / No for each item 4. Click 'Save' 5. (Optional) Click 'Add comments', enter/update/delete a comment against each item, Click 'Save' 5. Click 'View all Progress' to go back to the view with all the students shown.

Actualización automática

On the settings screen you can allow the checklist to import modules from the current course (or just the section the checklist is in). This will list the names of the resources / activities in the course and automatically tick them off, when they are 'completed' (note there will be a delay of up to 60 seconds between an activity being completed and the checklist updating, unless you are willing to make a few Moodle core code modifications).

Activities are considered complete, based on either the course logs being updated (e.g. resource viewed, forum posted to, etc.), a certain grade being achieved (Moodle 1.9 & assignment / quiz / forum only) or the Completion criteria being met (Moodle 2.0+ only).