Diferencia entre revisiones de «Instalaciones de más de 10000»

De MoodleDocs
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Please add your school info here, if you have a Moodle installation catering (or expecting to cater) for 10,000 or more users.
Por favor, añada la información de su colegio/instituto/universidad aquí, si tiene una instalación Moodle funcionando (o a punto de iniciarse) para 10,000 o más usuarios.


Revisión del 13:50 27 abr 2006

Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!.     ( y otras páginas pendientes)

Por favor, añada la información de su colegio/instituto/universidad aquí, si tiene una instalación Moodle funcionando (o a punto de iniciarse) para 10,000 o más usuarios.


  • Athabasca University - Canada's leading distance-education and online university: Canada's Open University, serving about 30,000 students per year. Athabasca has decided to adopt Moodle as a single platform instead of WebCT Vista (i.e. the top of the line version). Source: NZVLE website



New Zealand

United Kingdom

  • The Open University (OU) - the United Kingdom's only university dedicated to distance learning. They have around 150,000 undergraduate and more than 30,000 postgraduate students. They recently announced their adoption of Moodle:
"Now, The Open University’s Learning and Teaching Office has started a new programme worth nearly £5 million to build a comprehensive online student learning environment for the 21st century.
The development, which will first appear in May of 2006, and be fully operational for February 2007 courses, will see the largest use of Moodle in the world. Moodle is a free, Open Source software package course management system used by educators to create effective online learning communities.
Currently Open University students use a variety of software in a network to access their course work, interact with tutors and other students, use the library, submit assignments and handle administrative paperwork. The new development incorporating Moodle will ensure the network is much more user-friendly and uniform." Source: OU press release (.doc format).
  • The University of Glasgow - A long-established (founded 1451) and high-profile research university in the UK, with 20,000 students (16,000 undergrad, 4,000 postgrad), 6,000 staff, 12,000 unique users of Moodle (as of Dec 2005). Uses LDAP for integration with Novell and a custom MIS system for user authentication.

United States

  • Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) uses moodle for both curriculum and Corporate and Continuing Education. For curriculum it runs in parallel to Blackboard as faculty migrate to moodle over time. There are currently no plans to go moodle only, although many administrators favor this option. The server has 30,000 or so users on it, but the actual number of active users varies widely. It is used for both hybrid and full-online classes. Corporate and Continuing Education runs its own branded instance and uses only moodle for distance education. We have about 80,000 students total, covering the range from GED, adult-ed, curriculum, and other areas serviced by 7 campuses in and around Charlotte, North Carolina.