Notas de Moodle 3.8.3
Nota: Esta es una traducción de una página de la documentación para desarrolladores (Developer docs), que se considera particularmente importante, y que en su versión original se actualiza frecuentemente. Por ello, se le recomienda que revise la página original en idioma inglés: Moodle 3.8.3 release notes.
Moodle 3.8
Historia de las versiones > Notas de Moodle 3.8.3
Fecha de liberación: 11 mayo 2020
Aquí está lista completa de composturas en 3.8.3.
Nota: Pendiente de Traducir. ¡Anímese a traducir esta página!. ( y otras páginas pendientes)
Composturas y mejoras generales
- MDL-67442 - Assignment online text and feedback comments don't expand using Safari
- MDL-66245 - GDPR data request export not usable when using special characters (invalid file paths)
- MDL-52319 - Failed environment.xml check does not prevent plugin from being installed
- MDL-58964 - Add existing class attributes to Boost flat navigation nodes
- MDL-67995 - Single activity format dropdown from types of activity empty
- MDL-68047 - TCPDF lib change results in deleted .jpg images in plugins such as mod_certificate
- MDL-68116 - Prepare Moodle to be ready when down completely so that only the author can see the test content
- MDL-68277 - Essay question type review: answer box should be the right size
- MDL-66200 - Gradebook CSV import deletes existing feedback comments if set to be ignored
- MDL-68183 - Searching for user by email (case-insensitive + accent-sensitive) is too expensive on MySQL with many users
- MDL-66671 - Missing LTI resource crashes sync_grades task
- MDL-68223 - When grading assignments unable to select annotation comment using the mouse
- MDL-67886 - admin/cli/check_database_schema.php does not check indexes
- MDL-66849 - Appearance of tooltip title attributes in custom menu is incorrect
- MDL-68146 - help and advanced icons are shown twice for checkboxes in forms
- MDL-68049 - Link-level LTI memberships service not working
- MDL-65539 - Keyboard drag and drop ordering of sections in courses is broken and confusing
- MDL-68427 - paging_bar previous/next buttons have wrong page numbers
- MDL-67930 - Forum discussions with hidden group picture display as broken links
- MDL-68189 - Names of sections renamed inline do not change in the keyboard drag and drop menu
- MDL-68509 - Deleting a temporary table forces a reload of the databasemeta cache (Backport of MDL-58584)
- MDL-67499 - Cannot delete user if email is over 89 characters long
- MDL-67751 - Folders don't get listed in course resources
- MDL-67672 - As soon as fullnamedisplay and alternativefullnameformat differ, names in profile title and user menu differ
Mejoras de accesibilidad
- MDL-67663 - Forum grading submit grade form does not conform to accessibility guidelines
- MDL-64494 - Contrast of colours for success, info, error and warnings text is not accessible
- MDL-67968 - Calendar: New event: Accessibility issues
- MDL-67970 - Course homepage: Editing mode on: Accessibility issues
- MDL-68148 - Course participants: Main: Accessibility issues
- MDL-67902 - Calendar month view accessibility issues
- MDL-68135 - Course homepage: View mode: Accessibility issues
- MDL-67901 - No label for clear my choice option on multiple-choice questions
- MDL-68196 - Course participants: Enrol user: Accessibility issues
- MDL-68266 - Course management: insufficient colour contrast
Mejoras en seguridad
- MDL-68193 - db_replace() doesn't emit any audit trail, should emit a Moodle event
Asuntos de seguridad
A number of security related issues were resolved. Details of these issues will be released after a period of approximately one week to allow system administrators to safely update to the latest version.