Question permissions

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Roles and capabilities in Moodle 1.7 onwards enable possibilities such as students being given permission to edit questions. The following capabilities are related to questions:

Mall:Moodle 1.9From Moodle 1.9 onwards :


Mall:Moodle 1.9From Moodle 1.9 we can share questions in different contexts. Question categories are separated into different contexts from Moodle 1.9. Each different context has a separate question category hierarchy.

Question category contexts are :

  • Activity context : questions only available to one activity module.
  • Course context : questions available to all activity modules in a course and within the course from the 'Questions' link in the course administration block.
  • Course category contexts : questions available to all activity modules and courses in the course category (remember one course category can contain other course categories, you can share your questions in any or all of the parent course categories).
  • Core System context : questions available in all courses and activities on your site.

Question capabilities are tested in the relevant context. So to add a question to a category you must have the add capability for that context. See roles and capability help for more info.

*all or * mine

Mall:Moodle 1.9Notice that apart from the add capability other capabilities to manage questions are *all or * mine.

  • *all means all questions and if you have the *all capability *mine is not tested.
  • *mine means that you have the capability for your questions but not for questions created by others.

If you have the view capability for a question you can view a question created by another and 'Save as New Question' that creates a new question that is one you created and which you can then do anything you have *mine capability to do with.

See also

Mall:Moodle 1.9