Plugins FAQ

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Please refer to these notes before editing this page.

What is contributed code?

Contributed code, or "contrib" for short, is understood to be all code contributed to Moodle which is not included in the standard Moodle distribution.

Where can I download contributed modules and plugins from?

The Modules and plugins database is a comprehensive reference of all known Moodle modules, hacks and plugins.

How do I install a contributed module or plugin?

See Installing contributed modules or plugins for full instructions.

How do I apply a patch?

See Development:How to apply a patch.

Why doesn't my newly installed module show up in the list of modules?

Firstly, check that you have visited your admin index page http://your_moodle_address/admin/index.php to complete the installation. Next, see the section on installation trouble-shooting in Installing contributed modules or plugins for further things to check.

How do I contribute code to Moodle?

See our Guidelines for contributed code.

Is there any information on creating a new module or plugin?

See Development:Modules, Development:Blocks and Development:Authentication plugins.

How do I upgrade my contrib code to Moodle 2.0?

See Development:Migrating contrib code to 2.0.

See also