error/local hub/cannotregisterbadport
Previously we only allowed sites running on port 80 or 443 to register. However this restriction has now been removed. :-)
If you still obtain an error message "...please ensure your server is running on port 80 for http, or 443 for https." please comment in MDLSITE-5474.
The error is also displayed if your site is hosted locally. Please note that only sites which are on the internet may be registered to Moodle as we cannot connect to a site locally on your computer. If you only want to use Moodle for testing things out then you don't need to put your site online and you don't need to register it. If you do want your site online to use it with students then follow instructions in Installing Moodle or you could simply sign up for a free MoodleCloud site which is already set up online for you.