H5P Speak the Words

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The H5P Speak the Words module is a free HTML5-based voice recognition content type allowing authors to ask a question that should be answered with the user's own voice. Speak the Words content is created using only a web browser in H5P supported platforms such as Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle and WordPress. The speech engine used is currently only available in the Chrome browser.

Important notice (warning)

Due to how H5P behaves in Moodle, most content types allow for unlimited attempts by students. You should not use H5P for major assignments such as exams.

How to use it

Open the Content bank and add a Speak the Words instance:

Write the Title, the 'Task description' (the question text) and an (optional) Help text.


The teacher would be wise to try the new essay questions made with a (fictituos) student account before using them with real students.


This H5P Speak the Words module can be used in any standard Moodle server, as there is no need to install any additional plugin


This module only works if the user has a Chrome internet browsers.