XMLDBの予約語 (Dev docs)

2023年1月24日 (火) 06:31時点におけるToshihiro KITA (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

XMLDB ドキュメンテーション > XMLDBの予約語集

For each RDBMS some words are forbidden to be used as identifiers and they are called "reserved words". Here you will find one big list that is automatically generated by the list of reserved words present in the XMLDB classes (it includes the reserved words for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL).

It's a must to avoid completely the use of these reserved words in your DB structures (tables, columns...). At the end of this page, you'll find some useful links about reserved words.


_filename, access, accessible, add, admin, all, alter, analyse, analyze, and, any, array, as, asc, asensitive, asymmetric, audit, authorization, avg, backup, before, begin, between, bigint, binary, blob, both, break, browse, bulk, by, call, cascade, case, cast, change, char, character, check, checkpoint, close, cluster, clustered, coalesce, collate, column, comment, commit, committed, compress, compute, condition, confirm, connect, connection, constraint, contains, containstable, continue, controlrow, convert, count, create, cross, cume_dist, current, current_date, current_role, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor, database, databases, date, day_hour, day_microsecond, day_minute, day_second, dbcc, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, delayed, delete, dense_rank, deny, desc, describe, deterministic, disk, distinct, distinctrow, distributed, div, do, double, drop, dual, dummy, dump, each, else, elseif, empty, enclosed, end, errlvl, errorexit, escape, escaped, except, exclusive, exec, execute, exists, exit, explain, external, false, fetch, file, fillfactor, first_value, float, float4, float8, floppy, for, force, foreign, freetext, freetexttable, freeze, from, full, fulltext, function, goto, grant, group, grouping, groups, having, high_priority, holdlock, hour_microsecond, hour_minute, hour_second, identified, identity, identity_insert, identitycol, if, ignore, ilike, immediate, in, increment, index, infile, initial, initially, inner, inout, insensitive, insert, int, int1, int2, int3, int4, int8, integer, intersect, interval, into, is, isnull, isolation, iterate, join, json_table, key, keys, kill, lag, last_value, lead, leading, leave, left, level, like, limit, linear, lineno, lines, load, localtime, localtimestamp, lock, long, longblob, longtext, loop, low_priority, master_heartbeat_period, master_ssl_verify_server_cert, match, max, maxextents, mediumblob, mediumint, mediumtext, merge, middleint, min, minus, minute_microsecond, minute_second, mirrorexit, mlslabel, mod, mode, modifies, modify, national, natural, nchar, nclob, new, no_write_to_binlog, noaudit, nocheck, nocompress, nonclustered, not, notnull, nowait, nth_value, ntile, null, nullif, number, numeric, nvarchar2, of, off, offline, offset, offsets, old, on, once, online, only, open, opendatasource, openquery, openrowset, openxml, optimize, option, optionally, or, order, out, outer, outfile, over, overlaps, overwrite, pctfree, percent, percent_rank, perm, permanent, persist, persist_only, pipe, pivot, placing, plan, precision, prepare, primary, print, prior, privileges, proc, procedure, processexit, public, purge, raid0, raiserror, range, rank, raw, read, read_only, read_write, reads, readtext, real, reconfigure, recursive, references, regexp, release, rename, repeat, repeatable, replace, replication, require, resource, restore, restrict, return, returning, revert, revoke, right, rlike, rollback, row, row_number, rowcount, rowguidcol, rowid, rownum, rows, rule, save, schema, schemas, second_microsecond, securityaudit, select, semantickeyphrasetable, semanticsimilaritydetailstable, semanticsimilaritytable, sensitive, separator, serializable, session, session_user, set, setuser, share, show, shutdown, similar, size, smallint, some, soname, spatial, specific, sql, sql_big_result, sql_calc_found_rows, sql_small_result, sqlexception, sqlstate, sqlwarning, ssl, start, starting, statistics, straight_join, successful, sum, symmetric, synonym, sysdate, system, system_user, table, tablesample, tape, temp, temporary, terminated, textsize, then, tinyblob, tinyint, tinytext, to, top, trailing, tran, transaction, trigger, true, truncate, try_convert, tsequal, uid, uncommitted, undo, union, unique, unlock, unpivot, unsigned, update, updatetext, upgrade, usage, use, user, using, utc_date, utc_time, utc_timestamp, validate, values, varbinary, varchar, varchar2, varcharacter, varying, verbose, view, waitfor, when, whenever, where, while, window, with, within group, work, write, writetext, x509, xor, year_month, zerofill

Some useful links