
23行目: 23行目:

Type the description of the forum here. Include precise instructions for students regarding the subject of the forum and, if necessary, the grading criteria.


2007年7月23日 (月) 04:07時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2007年7月20日 (金) 17:57 (CDT)

あなたのコースで「編集モードの開始」をクリックして、フォーラムを作成したいトピックまたは週のセクションに移動してください。「活動の追加 ...」ドロップダウンメニューから「フォーラム」を選択してください。「新しい フォーラム の追加」のページで表示されます。


コースホームページに表示されるフォーラムの省略名 (例 「好きな色」) です。



  1. トピック1件のシンプルなディスカッション - 1件のトピックのみ1ページに表示されます。集中した短いディスカッションに便利です。
  1. 一般的利用のための標準フォーラム - 誰でも常に新しいトピックを開始できる、開かれたフォーラムです。一般的な利用に最適です。
  1. 各人が1件のディスカッションを投稿 - それぞれの人は新しいディスカッションを厳密に1件投稿できます (誰でも返信可能)。これは、あなたが学生にディスカッションを始めてもらいたいときに便利です。例えば、学生がその週の話題に関する感想を投稿して、他の学生がそれに返信を投稿することができます。
  1. Q&A フォーラム - Q&Aフォーラムでは、学生は他の学生の投稿を読む前に自分の考え方を投稿する必要があります。最初の投稿後、学生は他の学生の投稿を閲覧および返信することができます。この機能は、すべての学生に同等の初期投稿を行う機会を与えます。このことにより、学生が独自の独立した考え方をすることを促します。




When a person is subscribed to a forum it means that they will be sent email copies of every post in that forum (posts are sent about 30 minutes after the post was first written).

People can usually choose whether or not they want to be subscribed to each forum.

However, if you choose to force subscription on a particular forum then all course users will be subscribed automatically, even those that enrol at a later time.

This is especially useful in the News forum and in forums towards the beginning of the course (before everyone has worked out that they can subscribe to these emails themselves).

If you choose the option "Yes, initially" then all current and future course users will be subscribed initially but they can unsubscribe themselves at any time. If you choose "Yes, forever" then they will not be able to unsubscribe themselves.

Note how the "Yes, initially" option behaves when you update an existing forum: Changing from "Yes, initially" to "No" will not unsubscribe existing users, it will only affect future course users. Similarly changing later to "Yes, initially" will not subscribe existing course users but only those enrolling later.

From Moodle 1.6 onwards there is an "Subscriptions not allowed" setting which prevents Students from subscribing to a Forum. Teachers may choose to be subscribed if they wish.




  1. 任意 [デフォルト] - 学生は自由にフォーラムの未読管理をOnまたはOffにすることができます。
  2. On - 常に未読管理します。
  3. Off - 常に未読管理しません。


Attachments can be limited to a certain size file, chosen by the person who set up the forum.

Sometimes it is possible to upload a file larger than this size, but the file will not be saved on the server and you might see an error.


Here you will have to consider whether or not enable two options:


If you decide to rate posts on the forum, you will have to define settings of the three following aspects:

  • Users

If you want everybody to rate posts, choose 'Everyone can rate posts'. Otherwise, pick 'Only teachers can rate posts'.

  • View

If you want to keep the grades known only to the individual students graded, you should choose the option 'Students can only see their own ratings'. If there is no such a need, opt for 'Students can see everyone's ratings'.

  • Grade

There are several grading scales you can choose from. You can give a number of points to each post (from 1 to 100) or you can opt for two other scales: Scale: satisfactory (Outstanding, Satisfactory and Not satisfactory) or Separate and Connected ways of knowing (Mostly Connected Knowing, Separate and Connected, Mostly Separate Knowing). More information about the latter one are to be found here.


If you enable the Use ratings option, you will also face the necessity of choosing whether or not enable another option restricting ratings to posts in terms of time.


This option defines the period in which a student may make a the number of posts specified in "Post threshold for blocking".


This option is for setting the number of posts a Student may make in the period defined below.

Set to 0 to disable blocking. If blocking is disabled, warnings will automatically be disabled.


Students (only) will be blocked from posting after a specified number of posts in a given period - this option is for setting the number of posts a Student may make before receiving a warning.

Set to 0 to disable warnings.


You can hide the activity from students by selecting "Hide" here. It is useful if you wouldn't like to make the activity available immediately.