Télécharger les contenus du cours
De MoodleDocs
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Moodle 3.10
Download course content
Specific course items, currently content from the File, Folder, Page and Label can be downloaded if enabled site wide and in individual courses.
Note: This feature was made possible with funding from the Moodle Users Association.
For students
- If the feature is made available by the administrator and enabled in a course by the teacher, then students and other users with the capability to download course content will see a button top right in the course.
- Clicking the button will display a pop-up and link to a zipped file.
For teachers
- If the features is made available by the administrator, then course teachers see an option Enable download course content in the course settings.
- They can then choose Yes to make content downloadable, or No if they prefer not to.
For administrators
- Download course content can be made available from Site administration >Courses > Download course content.
- Here, the admin can also specify the maximum size of files which may be downloaded.
- Optionally, from Site administration > Courses >Course default settings, the admin can make the feature enabled by default in courses.
- Configure download course content - allowed for the default roles of manager and teacher.
- Download course content - allowed for the default roles of manager, teacher, non-editing teacher and student.