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Folder resource settings

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 18:37, 18 June 2012 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (starting to update this for 2.3)

Adding a folder to your course

If you already have a folder of files you would like to display, there are two methods:

Quick method:

  • Note: Folders you wish to upload to Moodle have to be "zipped" or "compressed" first. The way you do this depends on your computer and operating system.
  • Click the 'Turn editing on' button at the top right of the course page
  • Drag and drop the folder onto the course section where you'd like it to appear
  • Click the button of the action you would like to take with the folder (in this case, uzip) and click "Upload".


  • If necessary, edit the title of the folder by clicking the pencil icon.

Longer method:

  • Click the 'Turn editing on' button at the top right of the course page
  • Click 'Add an activity or resource' link, then in the activity chooser; select folder then click the "Add" button (or select file from the "Add a resource" dropdown menu)
  • Enter a name and a description (which may be required or optional according to the admin settings)
  • Either drag and drop a zipped/compressed folder into the box with an arrow or click the Add button to open the File picker menu in order to choose a file from your computer or a repository.
  • When the folder thumnail appears, click on it and select "unzip" as below:


  • Click the original (zipped) folder to delete it if required.
  • Select your chosen Common module settings and, if enabled, Activity completion settings and click "Save and return to course"

Click the button 'Save and display' at the bottom of the page

Creating and uploading to a new folder

  • Click "Create folder" and in the box that appears, give the folder a name.
  • Click "OK"


  • Click on the name of the new folder to get inside it.
  • Click the "Add" button to upload files into this folder.


  • For more information on file uploading, see here
  • For each new file you wish to add to the folder, click the "Add button"
  • Leave Common Module settings at "show" if you wish the folder to be visible.
  • Click "Save and return to course".

Uploading a folder you have on your computer

  • Note: Folders you wish to upload to Moodle have to be "zipped" or "compressed" first. The way you do this depends on your computer and operating system.
  • Click the "Add" button and upload your zipped folder:


  • For more information on uploading files and folders see here
  • Click the icon to the right of the zipped folder.
  • Select the "unzip" option.


  • The folder will appear in its normal state.
  • To delete the original zipped folder, click the icon to its right and select the "delete" option.


  • Leave Common module settings at "show" if you wish the folder to be visible.
  • Click "Save and return to course".

Folder capabilities

Site administration settings

The folder module has additional settings which may be changed by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Folder.

Require activity description

This setting allows you to turn off the requirement for users to type something into the description box.