Quiz results block

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 14:39, 26 October 2007 by chris collman (talk | contribs) (change teacher to Quiz category)

The quiz results block displays the highest and/or lowest grades achieved on a quiz within your course. Therefore your course must have at least one quiz created in order to use this block.

When you first add this block you will not have selected which quiz you wish the results of to be displayed, generating the notice:


Clicking the Configuration icon allows you to choose which quiz you want to see the results for from a drop-down menu.

You will also set several other options such as the number of the lowest and highest grades displayed. If both the highest and lowest grades are set to zero then no results will be displayed; to display all grades you would need to set either of these to the number of participants in the course.

You can also determine whether grades will be displayed as percentages, fractions or absolute numbers.

If the quiz supports groups you can also show group results instead of students.