We're currently working on documenting the new features and improvements in 4.5, ready for its release soon.

Tenant user role

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:52, 16 September 2019 by Marina Glancy (talk | contribs)
workplacelogo.png This feature is part of Moodle Workplace™, which is available through Moodle Certified Partners and Service Providers only.

This role is created automatically upon installation of Moodle Workplace. It is assigned also automatically to the absolutely all tenant users in the context of the tenant's course category.

This role by default only allows one capability moodle/category:viewcourselist. As mentioned in the Moodle Workplace Installation page, this capability is also removed from Authenticated user and Guest roles. This means that users from a tenant can only browse courses in the category of their tenant but can not browse courses anywhere else.

In some installations the site administrator may decide to allow more capabilities to this role, for example, request course creation.