Quizventure activity

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 17:38, 19 August 2014 by German Valero (talk | contribs) (tidy up)
  • Students procastinating too much?
  • Are they playing games instead of studying?
  • Well now you can motivate them by allowing them to do both at once!


Quizventure is an activity module that loads questions from the course it's added to. The possible answers come down as space ships and you have to shoot the correct one.

Module Installation

Go to https://github.com/xow/moodle-mod_quizgame

To install, click "Download ZIP" on the right, then extract the contents into mod/quizgame.

Login to your moodle site as admin,

Go to ' Site Administration > Notifications ' and follow the prompts

Details and Setup

It only supports multiple choice questions for now (other questions types wil be ignored).

Just copy the questions into the courses default category, and add the game to your course.

How to add the game to your course

  • Go to your Moodle course
  • Turn edition on
  • Click on 'Add an activity or resource'
  • Choose Quizventure
  • Click add
  • Write a name and description
  • Save the changes