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Mobile app PUSH Notifications

From MoodleDocs

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on moodle.org or use the page comments.

Starting version 1.4 Moodle Mobile support PUSH Notifications initially only for iOs devices (iPhone, Ipad)

There are two basic pre-requisites for using the public Notifications infraestructure: you must register your site and install a message plugin

If you have a customized version of Moodle Mobile or you want to use your own Notifications infrastructure see bellow

Enabling PUSH Notifications in your Moodle site

Register your site

First, you must register your Moodle site. Remember that when you register a site you can choose privacy settings so your site is not visible and not listed.

Registering your Moodle site allow us to prevent any type of abuse of the public Moodle notification server (messages.moodle.net)

Download and set up the plugin

You must install the airnotifier message plugin https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=message_airnotifier

This plugin will allow your Moodle users to configure what type of PUSH notifications they want to receive (as they can do with the email, jabber, popup, etc...)

Once installed, you must go to Administration / Plugins / Message outputs / Airnotifier and click in the link "request access key". Remember your site must be registered in moodle.org

Enabling PUSH Notifications in the Mobile app

Your users should upgrade their Moodle Mobile app to the last version and also enable Notifications

They also have to open the Moodle site and go to Administration / Messages, a new column with the name PUSH Notifications will be displayed, there the users can choose which messages they want to receive in their mobile device.

Some data about your users mobile devices is stored in the Moodle database (model, platform, push token id, uuid, etc...)

Installing your own Notifications infrastructure

If you have a customized version of the Mobile app, or you want to use your own Notifications infrastructure then you have to install a private Airnotifier (backend server for notifciations)


You have to add your app certificates there, see https://github.com/dongsheng/airnotifier/wiki/Installation

The message Airnotifier plugin allow you to point to your custom airnotifier instance using your own access keys