
From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 09:18, 2 April 2018 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (Enabling the policies plugin)
Type Admin tools
Set N/A
Downloads https://moodle.org/plugins/tool_policy
Issues https://tracker.moodle.org/issues/?jql=component%20%3D%20Privacy
Maintainer(s) Moodle HQ

The Policies plugin provides a new user sign-on process, with ability to define multiple policies (site, privacy, third party), track user consents, and manage updates and versioning of the policies.

The Policies plugin forms part of Moodle’s privacy feature set and will assist sites to become GDPR compliant. It requires Moodle 3.4.2, which also includes the ability to check whether a new user is a minor. The plugin will be integrated in the Moodle 3.5 release in May 2018.

Enabling the policies plugin

After installing the policies plugin, it may be enabled as follows:

  1. Go to 'Policy settings' in the Site administration.
  2. Set the Site policy handler to 'Policies (tool_policy)'.
  3. Save changes.

Two new pages will then appear in the Site administration - 'Manage policies' and 'User agreements'.

User consents

  • The Consent page lists a summary of each policy
  • The user is asked to specifically agree to each policy
  • When the user agrees to the policies they will be taken to the standard user registration form
  • The site admin or privacy officer has an overview of user consents, and can filter by policy to determine who consented at what time
  • The site admin or privacy officer can manually consent on behalf of users


There is just one capability:

See also