Install Moodle via apt get package on Ubuntu and Debian
So this to try and tidy up the apt-get install docs which are in a bit of disarray at the moment...
- Ubuntu and Debain both use the same package manager that uses deb packages to allow you to install software and know that all of the dependencies will be automatically met and resolved for you by the operating system. Packages are also updated automatically as new versions are maintained in the package repositories.
- There is a deb package for Moodle maintained by ???. Whilst it will not be the latest version of Moodle; it should make installation on a Debian or Ubuntu server very easy.
Install your server
Download either the latest Ubuntu server disc (10.04 as this written) or the latest Debian disc (5.0 as writing) and follow the documentation on either site to install an basic server install with no packages installed (also known as the base system).
Update your server
Once your server is installed, make sure it is fully up to date.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
At this point it is probably wise to reboot your server
Set Static IP
You are probably going to want your server running on a static IP.
- Edit /etc/networking/interfaces to set your static IP
- Restart your networking: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
- Check it works; can you ping another server? for example?