forums Code of Conduct

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:54, 10 November 2009 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (code of conduct first draft)
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Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.

By enrolling in courses on and participating in forum discussions you agree to the following code of conduct. If you are unable to agree you have the right not to participate.

Before posting

Choose the most appropriate forum to post in

If you realise you have posted in the wrong forum or course and wish to have your post moved, please use the contact form.

Choose an informative subject line

  • Instead of using a subject line like "Urgent help needed!!!" use a subject line which is specific, such as, "Restore stops with error message 'xyz'".
  • Provide as much relevant background information as you can in your post and remember to state the version of Moodle you are using.

For further advice on how to ensure your question is answered, see Moodle Forum Help.

Post your question in one forum only

Reposting the same question in multiple forums is of no benefit. It only fragments the support you receive and makes it more difficult for other users to find the correct information in the future.

If you really feel your topic falls in two forums (e.g. a major development in the Quiz module that may impact other parts of Moodle), pick the most specific (e.g. Quiz forum) and post a small pointer to the other discussion in the second forum (e.g. General developer forum).

Respect other forum users

Show respect and consideration to others at all times.

Flaming and personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you come across a post that you feel is inappropriate, please report it to a forum moderator (listed in the forum introduction) or course facilitator or use the contact form.

Respect the decisions of forum moderators and course facilitators who generally volunteer their services for free.

Spam and unsolicited advertisements are not allowed

Please refer to our Policy on Advertising. If you come across any spam, please report it to a forum moderator (listed in the forum introduction) or course facilitator or use the contact form.

Provide feedback if you solve your problem

In order to help others that may encounter the same problem as you did, rate forum posts as useful and provide a link to the documentation or discussion that helped you. Add [Solved] to the subject line of your post.

Code of Conduct violations

Posts which violate our Code of Conduct may be edited, moved to a hidden forum or deleted at the discretion of moderators. Spammers or anyone else who persists in violating our Code of Conduct will have their account blocked.


Whilst moderators and course facilitators will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every post. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made on express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators or moderators (except for posts by these people) and they will not be held liable.