Development:Usability issues - CTRL enter

From MoodleDocs

Possible application of CTRL-Enter functionality

It must be considered that CTRL-Enter functionality is not only useful for the user / teacher but also for the admin (the admin will be really used to Moodle because usually he/she is in charge of the administration for along time and he would know by heart shortcuts like CTRL-Enter).

This is the list of pages where there is only a submit button (classified by submit, update, send in ratings or whatever):

Note: usually in nearly all pages there is also the turn editing on button in this page.

Turn editing on

Save changes

(...) all sections of settings.php

(...)this happens with all the activities and resources (wiki, forum, lesson,...), when somebody wants to edit a wiki, save should be the default option(this concerns all roles).

Update profile

Upload user

Add new discussion topic

Update this quiz/forum/wiki

(...) the same happens with glossary, lesson and other activities or resources


This is the list of pages where there is more than a submit button:

More than a submit button

(...) the same happens with edit pages of glossary, lesson and other activities or resources

Shortcuts applied elsewhere within Moodle

In Moodle it is used Acunote's Javascript Keyboard Shortcuts Framework. However in this framework there are some keys that they are not listened:

// Keys we don't listen 
   keys: {
       KEY_BACKSPACE: 8,
       KEY_TAB:       9,
       KEY_ENTER:    13,
       KEY_SHIFT:    16,
       KEY_CTRL:     17,
       KEY_ALT:      18,
       KEY_ESC:      27,
       KEY_SPACE:    32,
       KEY_LEFT:     37,
       KEY_UP:       38,
       KEY_RIGHT:    39,
       KEY_DOWN:     40,
       KEY_DELETE:   46,
       KEY_HOME:     36,
       KEY_END:      35,
       KEY_PAGEUP:   33,
       KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34

There are some GSoC projects managed with Acunote and last year a GSoC project of Moodle called Moodle Voice used Acunote.